MetaPhase Improved A1C Test Results


I am writing to tell you of our success with Metaphase. Since taking MetaPhase our morning blood sugar measurements have dropped from the high 140’s to between 109 to 127 on our current intake of 2 capsules, twice daily. I must add that with living at Cape Cod in the summer, surrounded by ice cream and pizza, these numbers are terrific and we are very happy with the results!

Our A1C levels before taking MetaPhase were both around 7.5, which our doctor was very unhappy about. Our most recent tests showed that Harold’s A1C level had dropped to 6.9, and mine is down to 7.1.

Harold has lost about 20 pounds since we left Florida, and I’ve lost about 5 pounds. Harold could lose 50 more, but since he has not been exercising at all this summer this is very impressive weight loss for him.

I think our food cravings are slightly less on MetaPhase. We haven’t stopped taking it since starting, so it’s hard to say. We are not great dieters and, like I said, living on Cape Cod with ice cream on every corner is not easy.

While you recommended that we take the full dose of Metaphase (3 caps, 3 times daily) I sometimes have trouble sleeping so I do not take any in the evening. I guess this goes along with the increase in energy!

P.S. Interesting development. Harold had a bad cough last week and ended up hospitalized with pneumonia. When admitted on Wednesday his blood sugar was 105 AM, 134 PM. When he was released on Sunday his morning sugar level had jumped back up to 154 and the doctors were insisting on giving him insulin. Thank goodness they backed off when we said we prefer to take a supplement to control our blood sugar levels (and promised we’d report back if Harold’s levels didn’t return to normal).

Harold got back on Metaphase and I found it very interesting that it only took a week to get back to normal with just the maintenance dose. It really proves the value of the supplement because they continued to give him Metformin in the hospital.

Thank you again for Metaphase! Oh, and by the way, the doctors at the hospital were not at all curious about what supplements Harold is taking!

Myrna S.

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