Thursday, February 13, 2025

Health Benefits of Reversing Age-Related Thickening of Blood

By John Steinke, L.Ac. Increased thickening of blood – or elevated blood viscosity – is a common age-related condition that contributes to a number of...

Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Nutrition and Aging

By Ward Dean, MD Every cell in the human body is packed with tiny organelles called mitochondria (Fig. 1). Mitochondria are often referred to as...

Customer Grateful After Taking Vital Cell

I was sure that I was going to die with congestive heart failure, when I started taking VitalCell. Within about 10 to 14 days I was a different person. My beautiful wife was stunned at the quick turn around.

Question About Taking Vital Cell® On Empty Stomach

I have tried Vital Cell and find it difficult to take on a regular basis, as it has to be taken on an empty...

Combining Vital Cell® With CardioPhase®

I have purchased both your Vital Cell and CardioPhase. I understand these can be taken together. Please advise the maximum dosage of each if...

Diabetic Recovers Use of Fingers After 7 Year Struggle With Infection

As a 74-year-old diabetic who has already lost one leg to amputation, I know how important it is for me to avoid injury and...

Vital Cell Use, Side Effects After Ablation Treatment

In September I went to a clinic in Germany that specializes in heart arrhythmias and underwent ablation treatment. After surgery my doctor prescribed Flecainide...

Vital Cell – A Naturopathic Perspective

I am writing this letter to commend you on your product, VitalCell. As a Naturopath I have tried everything possible for a patient of mine who has endured almost two years of leg cramps in his calf muscles.

Vital Cell And Diabetes

As a long-term sufferer of Type II Diabetes and high blood pressure I’ve found your anecdotal reports of lowering blood pressure levels with Tango...

Vital Cell And “New Health”

A friend told me about Vital Cell after she was literally brought back to health after 2-3 weeks of using your product. She lives in the Rio Grande Valley area of Texas, and a group of us from our church at a state meeting held in Austin in January sent her a get well card (she could not attend because she of her health.)

Vital Cell And Improved Live Blood Analysis

I've had to endure live blood cell analysis every month to monitor my blood cell issues. Regardless of what I tried, nutritionally and emotionally, this issue refused to go away until I started taking Vital Cell.