Increased Mortality Associated With Frequent Night-time Urination — Nocturia


Patients suffering from nocturia, the need to urinate at least twice during the night, may have a significantly increased risk for mortality. Researchers presented a study at the 104th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Urological Association (AUA) showing that there was a significantly increased mortality rate in elderly patients living in a Japanese assisted-living facility who suffered from nocturia relative to other residents.

Researchers conducted a comprehensive geriatric assessment of 788 residents 70 years old or older to determine incidence of nocturia. Using data from a national health insurance system, researchers assessed differences in survival stratified by presence or absence of nocturia over three years. Researchers adjusted the models to control for age, sex, BMI, diabetes, hypertension, history of coronary heart disease, nephropathy, alcohol consumption, and use of tranquilizers, hypnotics or diuretics.

“Nighttime urination is not necessarily just a matter of getting older. Patients should talk to their doctor about what may be causing this,” said Anthony Y. Smith, MD, an AUA spokesman. “There may be a very serious yet treatable condition involved.”

Journal reference:
Nakagawa et al. Association between nocturia and mortality in a community-dwelling elderly population aged 70 years and over: results of a 3-year prospective cohort study in Japan. The Journal of Urology, 2009; 181 (4): 8 DOI: 10.1016/S0022-5347(09)60034-3
Adapted from materials provided by American Urological Association, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

A major driving force behind the historical development of Chinese herbal formulations was the desire to promote long life. Variations of the formulas, called Essence tonics, addressed different aging weaknesses and disorders, including frequent urination or nighttime urination. Modern gerontology hospitals in China have improved on the old formulas and focus on the underlying weaknesses that lead to nocturia [see FloControl]. Nocturia is a dramatic disrupter of sleep, such that it dramatically reduces quality of life and, according to this report, increases the likelihood of premature death.

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