Clinical Evaluation Of New Weight Loss Formula, SlimPhase™

By Mitchell A. Fleisher, M.D.

As a board certified, homeopathic family physician specializing in Integrative CAM (complementary alternative medicine), I am always encouraged when, in addition to having solid, scientific evidence to verify its benefits toward improved health and wellness, a promising supplement proves its therapeutic value in direct clinical experience and real life settings.

Such is the case with SlimPhase™, an advanced herbal weight control formula from Tango Advanced Nutrition that I have been evaluating for some time. One of the most consistent and promising therapeutic effects of SlimPhase I have observed is sustained weight loss in my patients resulting from the formula’s ability to reduce cravings for sugars and refined carbohydrates that affect insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism (so that starches, sugars and fats in the body are burned more efficiently).

Taking clinical advantage of this new formula, I can report that I have prescribed SlimPhase for overweight patients with gratifying results. Over the course of about three to four months , these patients have experienced an average weight loss of approximately twenty pounds. Together, with reasonable dietary and daily exercise regimens, these patients have been able to sustain their new, healthier weights with a maintenance dose of two to three capsules of SlimPhase twice daily.

Case 1: 26-Year-Old Overweight Female

CR is a 26-year-old postgraduate student and young mother who has been overweight most of her life. Her weight issues had only worsened following her pregnancy and delivery three years earlier. I discussed with CR the importance of regular aerobic exercise and eating a balanced diet rich in fresh vegetables. I also stressed the importance of eliminating her indulgence in snack foods containing high fructose corn syrup. I explained how high fructose corn syrup adversely affects metabolism and contributed to her ‘binge’ eating. Thereafter, I prescribed SlimPhase 3 capsules twice daily with meals, and strongly encouraged her compliance with this health-promoting, weight loss regimen.

Over the course of the next six months, CR lost approximately sixty pounds (approximately 10 pounds per month) and maintained her new, healthier weight, a remarkable feat for her. She also reported improved digestion and greater mental clarity that was helping her focus on her postgraduate schoolwork. And by increasing her energy levels and stamina, she felt she could more easily keep up with her active feisty, four-year-old son.

Overweight, older adolescent boys and girls can also benefit significantly from SlimPhase, in combination with a sensible diet, avoidance of fructose-rich carbonated drinks and snacks, and a regular exercise routine, which can be as simple as taking daily brisk walks. Supervision and encouragement by a caring parent and/or guardian will, of course, always be helpful in managing compliance.

Case 2: 17-Year-Old Obese Male

LD, a 17-year-old, Asian-American boy, came to me complaining of fatigue and embarrassment with his appearance due to being overweight. The boy and his parents were counseled about dietary changes, i.e., no fried foods, sodas, candy, or refined carbohydrate snacks (corn chips, potato chips, etc.) I also gradually introduced a program of regular exercise, since he had hitherto been a proverbial “couch potato.” He was also begun on SlimPhase, 3 capsules twice daily with meals.

After resisting his regimen for the first several weeks, the patient began to buckle down and take the program more seriously, based on the simple fact that he felt and looked better after eliminating all the junk foods. With his mother’s support, by his eighteenth birthday, seven months later, he had lost approximately 45 pounds (approximately 6 pounds per month) and reported having more energy and endurance. He was particularly pleased with the new attention he was getting from his female friends in high school. LD was a happy camper and even convinced his overweight younger brother to undertake his regimen, also with good results.

Many of my female patients in the perimenopausal and postmenopausal years complain about being frustrated by their inability to lose weight, despite eating a reasonable diet and engaging in regular aerobic exercise. I explain to them that their diminishing hormones predispose them to insulin issues, which affects metabolism of glucose and fatty acids. In time this manifests as reduced energy (fatigue) and the accumulation of stored fat in the abdomen, thighs, buttocks and elsewhere.

By adding SlimPhase to their regimen (two capsules three times daily, or three capsules twice daily with meals), liver function is supported and the metabolism of glucose and fatty acids is maintained, leading to a modulation of stored body fat and weight loss. An average decrease of one to two pounds of body weight per week is generally observed. These benefits are sustained by a maintenance dose of two capsules, twice daily.

Case 3: 48- and 52-Year-Old Overweight Sisters

Two of my patients are sisters. The first is 48-years-old and perimenopausal, and the second is 52-years-old and postmenopausal. Both sisters suffered from being overweight due to the abovementioned conditions. Together they had both turned to exercise, supplements and a wide range of diets to lose their excess weight, but to no avail. Both sisters had hemoglobin A1C counts above 5.8 percent, indicating insulin issues. The initiation of a program consisting of an appropriate diet and exercise, supplemented with three capsules twice daily of SlimPhase with meals, resulted in gradual and significant weight reduction within a four-month period. Both sisters have been able to keep the extra weight off by following a maintenance program consisting of a health diet and exercise, supplemented with two capsules, twice daily, of SlimPhase.

Case 4: Overweight Female

One of my long-term, female patients, DD, had a very gratifying experience using SlimPhase for weight loss. She had this to say: “When I took SlimPhase, I noticed I was not hungry for about 6 hours, nor did I crave sweets. I have been taking 2 capsules before each meal and it has really cut down on the amount of food I eat too. I am excited about this product, because after I reach my goal weight, I will be able to maintain all the weight I lost without gaining any of it back. I will take SlimPhase for the rest of my life.”

Many middle-aged men also develop insulin issues that makes losing weight difficult. In my practice the combination of SlimPhase with appropriate diet and exercise has proven effective for male patients.

Case 5: 55-Year-Old Obese Male

JM is a busy 55-year-old corporate executive with metabolic issues. His hemoglobin A1C was consistently around 6.7 percent. JM desperately wanted to live to enjoy his retirement and grandchildren, and was therefore highly motivated to lose weight to help with his blood sugar and heart. He had tried many different diets and supplements, but without much success. I spoke with JM about the importance of regular aerobic exercise and regulating insulin by eating a proper diet and eliminating intake of high fructose-containing foods. I also prescribed SlimPhase, 3 capsules, 3 times daily with meals, and strongly encouraged his compliance.

At his follow-up visit three and a half months later, his hemoglobin A1C level was in the normal range (below 5.5 percent), his lipid profile was promoted, and he had lost about 27 pounds, an average of almost two pounds per week. JM has been able to maintain his weight loss, and needless to say, we were both very pleased with his progress. He is continuing to adhere to this regimen.


In my practice, SlimPhase, when used in conjunction with a healthy balanced diet and regular aerobic exercise, has been shown to be an effective, natural agent for supporting healthy, glucose and fat metabolism and optimizing sustained weight control. I am very pleased with the clinical results that I’ve observed in my patients thus far. More importantly, so are they.

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