“Hot Flash” Attacks Drop From Five Per Day To One Or Two Per Week


Dear Tango Nutrition,

I am writing today to comment on one of your formulas, FemmePhase.

I am 52 years old and going through menopause. For the past two years, I have had a pretty rough time with hot flashes. Sometimes, they get so bad that I have to stop what I’m doing and take a break until they pass.

I do not want to try prescription medicine due to the worrisome side effects I’ve read about. So, for a couple of years, I’ve tried several natural, herbal formulas, none of which worked very well. They seem to stop my hot flashes for a day or so, then the hot flashes come back with a vengeance.

My husband and I use your sleep formula, Sleep Cycle, and I also use your allergy formula, AllerPhase, during allergy season. So, at my husband’s urging, I decided to give your FemmePhase formula a try.

Wow, what a difference! The formula stopped my hot flashes in the first 24 hours. Instead of having four or five hot flash attacks a day, I now have maybe one or two attacks in a whole week!

I have recommended your formulas, including FemmePhase, to several friends. Everyone is having good results.

Thank you for creating the best herbal health formulas on the planet. I will always make Tango Nutrition a cornerstone in my personal health regimen.


Lisa Catherine Higginbotham
Hattiesburg, MS

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