Grape Seed


Grape Seed Extract (along with Pycnogenol, an extract derived from maritime pine bark) is an important source of one of nature’s most potent antioxidants, the proanthocyanidins. These nutritionally valuable substances have been utilized to treat deteriorating diseases and conditons with great success. Research has shown that proanthocyanidins (bioflavonoids) serve as anti-inflammatories, antihistamines, atniallergenics and are major free radical scavengers. The proanthocyandins possess up to 50 times stronger antioxidant activity than Vitamin C&E, Beta Carotene or Selenium.

Proanthocyanidins also help promote tissue elasticity, help heal injuries, reduce swelling and edema, restore collagen and improve peripheral circulation. Proanthocyanidins also prevent bruising, strengthen weak blood vessels, protect agains atherosclerosis, and reduce histamine production.

For years, those who could afford the high price of pycnogenol supplements derived significant antioxidant protection against free radicals. Pycnogenol, which is derived from pine bark, contains 85% proanthocyanidin. Grapeseed extract contains 95% proanthocyanidin and is far more affordable than pycnogenol.

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