

Horsetail (Equisetum Arvense) is a rush-like perennial related to ferns. The hollow, jointed stems of this flowerless plant contain large amounts of silica and silicic acids (5-8%).

Silica is used by the body in the production and repair of connective tissues while accelerating the healing of broken bones. Our bodies use silica to maintain and repair the nails, hair, skin, eyes and cell walls. Horsetail is also used for its diuretic and astrigent properties, making it a useful treatment for cystitis, bladder and prostate problems, and kidney stones.

Horsetail (silica) reduces the risk of excessive bleeding and contributes to the building of healthy blood cells. Research has shown that Horsetail increases the number of phagocytes (a type of cell within the body capable of engulfing and absorbing bacteria and other small cells and particles), which improves the functioning of the entire immune system.

Bronchitis, lung and respiratory tract disorders have been shown to be helped by Horsetail, which increases the functioning and elasticity of lung tissues.

Horsetail contains 5% of the saponin equisetonin, and several flavone glycosides, including isoquercitrin, galuteolin, and equisetrin, which most likely account for its diuretic activity. Horsetail also contains Aconitic acid, calcium, PABA, fatty acids, fluorine, vitamin B-5 and zinc.


  1. Phagocyte is the German word for phagocyte. A phagocyte is a cell, not an enzyme. Errors of this sort put the other information in your article into serious question.

    • Thank you for catching this error. I’ve corrected the entry. For your information, some of this material dates back to my first collection of glossary entries, started back in 1995, and I’m sure there are several other entries that would benefit from proofreading and updating. Thanks again, Jim.

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