Some Vaccines Support the Evolution of More-Virulent Viruses



Scientific experiments with the herpesvirus, such as the one that causes Marek’s disease in poultry, have confirmed, for the first time, the highly controversial theory that some vaccines could allow more-virulent versions of a virus to survive, putting unvaccinated individuals at greater risk of severe illness. The research has important implications for food-chain security and food-chain economics, as well as for other diseases that affect humans and agricultural animals.

“The challenge for the future is to identify other vaccines that also might allow more-virulent versions of a virus to survive and possibly to become even more harmful,” said Andrew Read, author of the paper describing the research, which will be published in the July 27, 2015 issue of the scientific journal PLoS Biology.

“When a vaccine works perfectly, as do the childhood vaccines for smallpox, polio, mumps, rubella, and measles, it prevents vaccinated individuals from being sickened by the disease, and it also prevents them from transmitting the virus to others,” Read said. These vaccines are a type that is “perfect” because they are designed to mimic the perfect immunity that humans naturally develop after having survived one of these diseases.

“Our research demonstrates that another vaccine type allows extremely virulent forms of a virus to survive – like the one for Marek’s disease in poultry, against which the poultry industry is heavily reliant on vaccination for disease control,” said Venugopal Nair, who led the research team in the United Kingdom where the experimental work related to this study was carried out. “These vaccines also allow the virulent virus to continue evolving precisely because they allow the vaccinated individuals, and therefore themselves, to survive, Nair said.

Less-than-perfect vaccines create a ‘leaky’ barrier against the virus, so vaccinated individuals sometimes do get sick, but typically with less-virulent symptoms. Because the vaccinated individuals survive long enough to transmit the virus to others, the virus also is able to survive and to spread throughout a population.

“In our tests of the leaky Marek’s-disease virus in groups of vaccinated and unvaccinated chickens, the unvaccinated died while those that were vaccinated survived and transmitted the virus to other birds left in contact with them,” Nair said. “Our research demonstrates that the use of leaky vaccines can promote the evolution of nastier ‘hot’ viral strains that put unvaccinated individuals at greater risk.”

The theory tested by the research team was highly controversial when it first was proposed over a decade ago. The team’s experiments now show, for the first time, that the modern leaky vaccines, widely used in the agricultural production of poultry, can have precisely the effect on evolution of more-virulent strains of the virus that the controversial theory predicted.

The virus for Marek’s disease is very virulent, but the virus causing avian influenza can be even worse. “The most-virulent strain of avian influenza now decimating poultry flocks worldwide can kill unvaccinated birds in just under three days,” Read said. The vaccine against avian influenza is a leaky vaccine, according to Read.

“In the United States and Europe, the birds that get avian influenza are culled, so no further evolution of the virus is possible,” Read said. “But instead of controlling the disease by culling infected birds, farmers in Southeast Asia use vaccines that leak – so evolution of the avian influenza virus toward greater virulence could happen.”

The research has implications for human health, as well.

The World Health Organization recently reported laboratory-confirmed cases in China of human infection with the avian influenza virus, including a number of deaths. “We humans never have experienced any contagious disease that kills as many unvaccinated hosts as these poultry viruses can, but we now are entering an era when we are starting to develop next-generation vaccines that are leaky because they are for diseases that do not do a good job of producing strong natural immunity – diseases like HIV and malaria.”

“But the concern now is about the next-generation vaccines. If the next-generation vaccines are leaky, they could drive the evolution of more-virulent strains of the virus.”

Read said it is critical now to determine as quickly as possible that the Ebola vaccines that now are in clinical trials are not leaky – that they completely prevent the transmission of the Ebola virus among people. “We do not want the evolution of viral diseases as deadly as Ebola evolving in the direction that our research has demonstrated is possible with less-than-perfect, leaky vaccines,” Read said.

Source: Andrew F. Read, Susan J. Baigent, Claire Powers, Lydia B. Kgosana, Luke Blackwell, Lorraine P. Smith, David A. Kennedy, Stephen W. Walkden-Brown, Venugopal K. Nair. Imperfect Vaccination Can Enhance the Transmission of Highly Virulent Pathogens. PLOS Biology, 2015; 13 (7): e1002198 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.1002198

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