CardioPhase, Arjuna And Heart Palpitations


In the past I took Vital Cell, but for some reason I switched to Arjuna (I can’t remember why I did so). My problem is heart arrhythmia. Two years ago I was treated with ablation therapy to correct my atrial fibrillation, and while I am much better now I still have some unpleasant palpitations.

In your previous message you mentioned that perhaps CardioPhase would be better than Vital Cell in my situation. I have recently ordered CardioPhase and hope things will improve on the basis of your recommendation. My question now is, can I continue taking Arjuna? Do these two formulas do a similar job or are they in conflict with each other. Or are they possibly complementing each other?

I want to thank you for taking your time to reply to my question, and I wish to express my compliments for your professional service, which is very much appreciated, however rare among the suppliers of supplements. Actually, when addressing these companies they either don’t reply at all or say that they do not have any professional experience and tell my to ask my doctor. Unfortunately, my doctor doesn’t know much about alternative medicine and may be offended if I ask about such subjects. So, again, many thanks in advance for your kind answer.

Jan V.


  1. Dear Jan,

    It appears that Arjuna is a useful ayurvedic herb. You should continue using it if you feel it is helping. CardioPhase is a complex, multi-herb formula from a leading research team in China that research shows has excellent benefits for heart palpitations. All herbs make gentle contributions to an overall good response through slightly different pathways. This makes a formula safe and yet very helpful. You can safely take CardioPhase with Arjuna, as CardioPhase will add a broad spectrum of complementary benefits.

    Best wishes for positive results.

    John Steinke, L.Ac.
    Director of Product Development.

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