PABA (para-amiobenzoic acid) is another nutrient that is often classified with the B-complex family of vitamins due to its similarity in functions. PABA is an integral component of folic acid, and works to support the body’s use of pantothenic acid. PABA is a potent antioxidant and cell stabilizer that contributes to keep red blood cells intact. PABA also absorbs ultraviolet rays, and is often included in sunscreen products to protect the skin against the damages of sunburn and help protect against skin cancer. PABA is also a coenzyme involved in the metabolism of proteins, and is required in the production of red blood cells.

There is no recommended daily intake for PABA, nor are there any known toxic symptoms. Supplemental PABA should not be taken by those taking sulfa drugs.

Foods containing PABA include liver, whole grains, and molasses.


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