Monday, March 3, 2025

Leukemia: Scientists Report Major Breakthrough in Understanding Disease

Scientists from Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) have discovered mutations in genes that lead to childhood leukemia of the acute lymphoblastic type – the...

Human Tumors Shrink Following Injection with Bacteria

A modified version of the Clostridium novyi (C. novyi-NT) bacterium can produce a strong and precisely targeted anti-tumor response in rats, dogs and now...

Yale Researchers Reverse Alzheimer’s with New STEP Drug in Animal Study

Researchers at Yale School of Medicine have discovered a new drug compound that reverses the brain deficits of Alzheimer's disease in an animal model....

Consuming Whey Protein Reduces Blood Glucose Spikes and Improves Diabetes Control

Blood sugar surges – after-meal glucose "spikes" – can be life threatening for the 29 million Americans with diabetes. Diabetic blood sugar spikes have been linked...

Developing Diabetes in Middle Age Increases Loss of Brain Cells Later...

People who develop diabetes and high blood pressure in middle age are more likely to have brain cell loss and other damage to the...

Vision-Correcting Display May Eliminate Need for Reading Glasses

What if computer screens had glasses instead of the people staring at the monitors? That concept is not too far afield from technology being...

Healthy Lifestyle Habits Buffer Stress and Slow Cellular Aging

A new study from UC San Francisco is the first to show that while the impact of daily stress accumulates overtime and accelerates cellular...

Spread of Drug-Resistant Superbug Increases Five-Fold in Southeastern U.S.

Cases of the highly contagious, drug-resistant bacteria, Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE), have increased fivefold in community hospitals in the Southeastern United States, according to a...

Researchers Link Showers to Crohn’s Disease

Humans may be exposed to bacteria linked with Crohn's disease through fine spray from showers according to research led by Lancaster University, UK. Mycobacterium...

Clearing Cells to Prevent Cervical Cancer

A study published online in the International Journal of Cancer earlier this month describes a novel approach to preventing cervical cancer based on findings showing successful...

Total Darkness at Night Key to Success of Breast Cancer Therapy

Exposure to light at night, which shuts off nighttime production of the hormone melatonin, renders breast cancer completely resistant to tamoxifen, a widely used...

Past Pesticide Use Linked to Three Generations of Disease

Washington State University researchers say ancestral exposures to the pesticide methoxychlor may lead to adult onset kidney disease, ovarian disease and obesity in future...