Monday, March 3, 2025

Bacteria on Healthy Cats Treats Skin Infection in Mice, May Help...

Researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine used bacteria found on healthy cats to successfully treat a skin infection on mice....

Scientists Identify More Than 140,000 Virus Species in the Human Gut

Viruses are the most numerous biological entities on the planet. Now researchers at the Wellcome Sanger Institute and EMBL's European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) have...

Vaccine Alters Gut Bacteria to Block Chronic Inflammatory Diseases

A new vaccine that targets flagellin, a protein that allows bacteria to move about the gut, can beneficially alter the intestinal microbiota to reduce...

Newly Identified Protein Needs Vitamin A to Kill Bacteria, Protect Skin

People with inadequate vitamin A in their diets are more susceptible to skin infections, yet exactly how vitamin A affects skin immunity has been...

Gum Bacteria Linked to Alzheimer’s, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Pneumonia

Researchers are reporting new findings on how bacteria involved in gum disease can travel throughout the body, exuding toxins connected with Alzheimer's disease, rheumatoid...

Bacterial-Based Cancer Drug Delivery System Outperforms Conventional Methods

An interdisciplinary team of Virginia Tech faculty members has created a drug delivery system that could radically expand cancer treatment options. The conventional cancer treatment...

Probiotic Use Linked to Severe Bloating and Mental Impairment

Probiotic use may result in a significant accumulation of bacteria in the small intestine that can lead to disorienting brain "fog" and rapid, significant...

The Enemy Within: Gut Bacteria Drive Autoimmune Disease

Bacteria found in the small intestines of mice and humans can travel to other organs and trigger an autoimmune response, according to a new...

Gut Microflora Destroyed During Prolonged ICU Stays, Increasing Risk of Infection

Researchers at the University of Chicago have shown that after a long stay in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) only a handful of pathogenic...

Probiotic Yogurt may Protect Pregnant Women and Children From Mercury and...

Women who live in countries where access to clean drinking water and non-toxic fish is scarce, either because of little industrialization or a high...

Breakthrough in ‘Programmable’ Antibiotics to Target, Attack Drug-Resistant Microbes

The multitude of microbes scientists have found populating the human body have good, bad and mostly mysterious implications for our health. But when something...

Cancer-Detecting Yogurt Could Replace Colonoscopies, Blood Tests

Engineered yogurt bacteria could make detecting colorectal cancer and other diseases as simple and cheap as a pregnancy test. MIT professor Sangeeta Bhatia is...