Saturday, February 8, 2025

Secondary Stroke Prevention Needs Improvement

New research finds that one out of 12 people who have a stroke will likely soon have another stroke, and one out of four will likely die within one year. Researchers say the findings highlight the vital need for better secondary stroke prevention.

High Blood Pressure A Neglected Disease, Report Declares

Public health officials and health care providers need to step up their efforts to reduce Americans' increasing rates of high blood pressure and better treat those with the condition, which triggers more than one-third of heart attacks and almost half of heart failures in the United States each year...

Cooling Inflammation For Healthier Arteries

Agricultural Research Service (ARS)-funded scientists have reported new reasons for choosing "heart-healthy" oats at the grocery store. Nutritionist Mohsen Meydani, director of the Vascular Biology Laboratory at the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at...

High Levels of Vitamin D In Older People Can Reduce Heart...

Middle aged and elderly people with high levels of vitamin D could reduce their chances of developing heart disease or diabetes by 43%, according to researchers at the University of Warwick.

White Rye Bread Healthier Than Whole Wheat?

Wholegrain bread is good and good for you, as most people know. But it is not only the fiber-rich bran, the outer shell of the grain, that is healthful. On the contrary, research at the Lund University Faculty of Engineering shows that bread baked with white rye flour,...

Rejuvenating, Anti-aging Benefits Of Vital Herbal Formula

Clinical Trial of Age-Related Health Problems in 150 Adults. Research on an advanced anti-aging formula shows how the herbal combination works to counter a host of problems commonly associated with human aging.

Molecular ‘Firing Squad’ In Mice Triggered By Overeating Destroys Metabolism

Overeating in mice triggers a molecule once considered to be only involved in detecting and fighting viruses to also destroy normal metabolism, leading to insulin resistance and setting the stage for diabetes. The new study...

Too Much Sugar Is Bad, But Which Sugar Is Worse: Fructose...

In 2005, the average American consumed 64kg of added sugar, a sizeable proportion of which came through drinking soft drinks. Now, in a 10-week study, Peter Havel and colleagues, at the University of California at Davis, Davis, have provided evidence that human consumption of...

Fructose-Sweetened Drinks Increase Nonfasting Triglycerides In Obese Adults

Obese people who drink fructose-sweetened beverages with their meals have an increased rise of triglycerides following the meal, according to new research from the Monell Center. "Increased triglycerides after a meal are known predictors of cardiovascular disease,"...

Gout Increases Risk Of Heart Attack, According To Study

People with gout are at increased risk of having a heart attack, according to a University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine study published in the August edition of the journal Arthritis & Rheumatism. This is the first study to show...

Sugary Soft Drinks Linked To Increased Risk Of Gout In Men

Consumption of sugar sweetened soft drinks and fructose is strongly associated with an increased risk of gout in men, finds a study published by the British Medical Journal. Gout is a joint disease which causes extreme pain and swelling. It is most common in...

Antioxidants Aren’t Always Good for You And Can Impair Muscle Function,...

Antioxidants increasingly have been praised for their benefits against disease and aging, but recent studies at Kansas State University show that they also can cause harm. Researchers in K-State's Cardiorespiratory Exercise Laboratory have been studying how to improve oxygen delivery to the skeletal muscle during physical activity by...