Monday, March 10, 2025

Vitamin K Deficiency Linked to Enlarged Heart Chamber in Adolescents

Scientists have found another reason for children to eat their green leafy vegetables. A study of 766 otherwise healthy adolescents showed that those who consumed...

Selenium and CoQ10 Combo Cuts Heart Disease Death Rate in Half

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the developed world, killing more than 17 million per year, far more lives than cancer claims,...

Vitamin D Prevents Diabetes and Clogged Arteries in Mice

In recent years vitamin D deficiency has been linked to type 2 diabetes and heart disease, two illnesses that commonly occur together and are...

Healthy Fats Help Failing Hearts by Enhancing Energy Production and Easing...

Oleate, a common dietary fat found in olive oil, restored proper metabolism of fuel in an animal model of heart failure, according to a...

Skin-Like Device Uses 3,600 Crystals To Monitor Heart Health, Moisture Levels

A tiny new patch could deliver important information regarding users’ heart health and skin moisture levels, based on successful early efforts by researchers from...

Caffeinated Energy Drink Triggers Heart Arrhythmia, Saves Life

For a teenage boy in England, drinking a highly caffeinated beverage at a gym set off a heart problem he didn't know he had,...

Will Your Next Heart be Grown on Spider Silk?

Cultivating replacement organs and tissues from a patient's own cells is on the leading edge of medical research. Regenerating new organs can help solve...

Treating Mild Hypertension With Drugs Causing More Harm Than Good

In 2013, Dr. Iona Heath, a retired general practitioner published an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association, in which she spoke...

Sleep Loss Linked to Heart Disease, Weight Gain, Hypertension, Diabetes and...

Lack of sleep can make you sick. And while everybody has the occasional restless night, for those who suffer from chronic insomnia – some...

Sudden Cardiac Arrest Linked to Sex Hormones in Blood

Measuring sex hormone levels in blood may aid in identifying people likely to suffer sudden cardiac arrest, a heart rhythm disorder that is fatal...

Benefits of Donating Blood: Reduced Systolic Blood Pressure and Lower Risks...

The historic practice of bloodletting had little effect on most diseases and the practice was eventually abandoned in the 19th century. In a study...

Low Vitamin D Levels Linked to Severe Heart Disease

Results Suggest Vitamin D Deficiency is Cause – Not Consequence – of Atherosclerosis Vitamin D deficiency is an independent risk factor for heart disease, and...