Friday, July 26, 2024

UCLA Study Points to Iron as Cause of Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer's disease has proven to be a difficult enemy to defeat. After all, aging is the No. 1 risk factor for the disorder, and...

Chewing Ability Linked to Reduced Dementia Risk

Can you bite into an apple? If so, you are more likely to maintain mental abilities, according to new research from Karolinska Institutet in Sweden. The population is aging, and the older we become the more likely it is that we risk deterioration of our cognitive functions, such as memory, decision-making and problem solving. Research indicates several possible contributors to these changes, with several studies demonstrating an association between not having teeth and loss of cognitive function and a higher risk of dementia.

Schizophrenia Not One, But Eight Genetically Distinct Disorders

New research shows that schizophrenia isn't a single disease but a group of eight genetically distinct disorders, each with its own set of symptoms....

Disrupted Sleep Linked to Neurodegenerative Conditions, Alzheimer’s Disease

Broken Cellular 'Clock' Linked to Brain Damage A new discovery may help explain the surprisingly strong connections between sleep problems and neurodegenerative conditions such as...

Blood-Oxytocin Levels in Normal Range in Children with Autism

Autism does not appear to be solely caused by a deficiency of oxytocin, but the hormone's universal ability to boost social function may prove...

How To Tell Apart The Forgetful From Those At Risk Of...

It can be difficult to distinguish between people with normal age-associated memory loss and those with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI). However people with aMCI are at a greater risk of developing Alzheimer's disease (AD), and identification of these people would mean that they could begin treatment as early as possible.

Depressive Symptoms And Suicidal Thoughts Found In Former Finasteride Users

New research, to be published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, finds that men who developed persistent sexual side effects while on finasteride (Propecia), a drug commonly used for male pattern hair loss, have a high prevalence of depressive symptoms and suicidal thoughts.

Stress Hormone Could Trigger Mechanism for the Onset of Alzheimer’s

A chemical hormone released in the body as a reaction to stress could be a key trigger of the mechanism for the late onset...

Intake of Fish Fats Improves Effectiveness of Antidepressants

Up to 42 percent of all treated cases of depression do not respond to antidepressants. While the reasons for this have been a mystery,...

New Study Reveals How Brain Flushes out Toxins During Sleep

Sleep Clears Brain of Molecules Associated With Neurodegeneration A good night's sleep literally clears the mind. Researchers have shown for the first time how the...

Gum Inflammation Linked To Alzheimer’s Disease

NYU dental researchers have found the first long-term evidence that periodontal (gum) disease may increase the risk of cognitive dysfunction associated with Alzheimer's disease...

Silent Stroke Can Cause Parkinson’s Disease

Scientists at The University of Manchester have for the first time identified why a patient who appears outwardly healthy may develop Parkinson's disease. Whilst conditions such as a severe stroke have been linked to the disease, for many sufferers the tremors and other symptoms of Parkinson's disease can appear to come out of the blue. Researchers at the university's Faculty of Life Sciences have now discovered that a small stroke, also known as a silent stroke, can cause Parkinson's disease. Their findings have been published in the journal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity.