Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Reduced by Metabolite From Pomegranates

Scientists at the University of Louisville have shown that a microbial metabolite, Urolithin A, derived from a compound found in berries and pomegranates, can...

Gastric Balance: Heartburn and Gastritis Not Always Caused by Excess Acid

by Jim English The human requirement for vitamins, minerals and other nutrients remains relatively constant throughout adult life. Unfortunately our ability to properly digest food...

Rice-Based Foods for People With Celiac Disease May Contain High Levels...

Rice is one of the few cereal grains consumed by people with celiac disease, as it does not contain gluten. However, it can have...

Gut Bacteria Communicate to Repair Damage Caused by Long-Term Antibiotic Use

A research team led by Karina Xavier at the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (IGC, Portugal) has shown that bacteria living in the intestine both...

Dietary Changes can Alter Intestinal Bacteria to Reduce Risk of Inflammatory...

Diet-induced changes in the gut’s bacterial ecosystem can alter susceptibility to an autoinflammatory bone disease by modifying the immune response, St. Jude Children’s Research...

Celiac Disease: A Wriggly Solution to a First-World Health Problem

Australian researchers have achieved groundbreaking results in a clinical trial using hookworms to reduce the symptoms of celiac disease. The results are also good...

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and Rheumatoid Arthritis Meds Linked to Drug-Induced...

Researchers have discovered that patients with a particular genetic variation are four times more likely to develop pancreatitis if they are prescribed a widely...

Why Pain Medications Are Less Effective for People With Irritable Bowel...

University of Adelaide researchers have discovered that people with irritable bowel syndrome have a defective immune system, which explains why sufferers have ongoing issues...

Spinach Extract Decreases Cravings, Aids Weight Loss

A spinach extract containing green leaf membranes called thylakoids decreases 'hedonic' hunger up to 95% and increases weight loss by 43% according to a...

From the Front Lines: Modern Techniques, Ancient Medicines for Sleep, Digestion

By Amy M. Petrarca, MS, RN, L.Ac I know that acupuncture is quickly becoming mainstream, and that a growing number of people are willing and...

Large Study Identifies Exact Gut Bacteria Linked to Crohn’s Disease

While the causes of Crohn's disease are not well understood, recent research indicates an important role for an abnormal immune response to the microbes...

A Galaxy Within Us: Programming Gut Microbiota with Food

Who would have thought that the human body contains over 10 times the amount of bacterial cells as human cells? These bacteria — now...