Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs)

Beneficial Effects on Energy, Atherosclerosis and Aging By Ward Dean, MD and Jim English Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) are a unique form of dietary fat that...

Bacteria Talk To Each Other and Our Cells In The Same...

Bacteria can talk to each other via molecules they themselves produce. The phenomenon is called quorum sensing, and is important when an infection propagates. Now, researchers at Linköping University in Sweden are showing how bacteria control processes in human cells the same way.

Immune System Molecule Affects Our Weight

Researchers at the Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, have identified a molecule in the immune system that could affect hunger and satiety. The researchers hope that new treatments for obesity will benefit from this finding.

Leptin May Play A Role in Hearing And Vision Loss, Zebrafish...

Leptin -- commonly dubbed the "fat hormone" -- does more than tell the brain when to eat. A new study by researchers at The University of Akron and Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED) shows that leptin may play a role in hearing and vision loss. This discovery, made in zebrafish treated to produce low leptin, could ultimately help doctors better understand sensory loss in humans.

Exposure to School-Age Children Ups Severity of Cold Infections

Exposure to school-age children raises the odds that a person with lung disease who catches a cold will actually suffer symptoms like a runny...

New SARS-like virus poses medical mystery

Scientists are trying to unravel a medical mystery involving a new type of coronavirus, which come from that same large family of viruses that...

Ions, Not Particles, Make Silver Toxic to Bacteria: Too Small A...

Rice University researchers have settled a long-standing controversy over the mechanism by which silver nanoparticles, the most widely used nanomaterial in the world, kill bacteria. Their work comes with a Nietzsche-esque warning: Use enough. If you don't kill them, you make them stronger.

Sleep Deprivation Effect On The Immune System Mirrors Physical Stress

Severe sleep loss jolts the immune system into action, reflecting the same type of immediate response shown during exposure to stress, a new study reports. Researchers in the Netherlands and United Kingdom compared the white blood cell counts of 15 healthy young men under normal and severely sleep-deprived conditions. The greatest changes were seen in the white blood cells known as granulocytes, which showed a loss of day-night rhythmicity, along with increased numbers, particularly at night.

Molecular Secrets Of Ancient Chinese Herbal Remedy Discovered

For roughly two thousand years, Chinese herbalists have treated Malaria using a root extract, commonly known as Chang Shan, from a type of hydrangea that grows in Tibet and Nepal. More recent studies suggest that halofuginone, a compound derived from this extract's bioactive ingredient, could be used to treat many autoimmune disorders as well.

Immunity Against The Cold

Throughout the interior spaces of humans and other warm-blooded creatures is a special type of tissue known as brown fat, which may hold the secret to diets and weight-loss programs of the future.

Recipient’s Immune System Governs Stem Cell Regeneration

A new study in Nature Medicine describes how different types of immune system T-cells alternately discourage and encourage stem cells to regrow bone and tissue, bringing into sharp focus the importance of the transplant recipient's immune system in stem cell-based regeneration.

Eating Green Veggies Improves Immune Defenses

Researchers reporting online in the journal Cell, a Cell Press publication, on October 13th have found another good reason to eat your green vegetables, although it may or may not win any arguments with kids at the dinner table.