Sunday, May 5, 2024

Why Cholesterol Damages Arteries: Cholesterol Crystals Lead To Life-Threatening Inflammation In...

In addition to crystallized cholesterol, atherosclerotic plaques always contain large quantities of immune cells but, surprisingly, no bacteria or viruses. It was previously unclear just how the body's own defence forces are called into action. Even animals that are kept in an absolutely sterile environment can suffer from "clogging" or "furring" of the arteries when their food contains high levels of cholesterol. The same relationship is found in humans.

New Insights Into How Omega-3 Fatty Acids Reduce Inflammation Also Hints...

Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine went on a molecular fishing trip and netted a catch of new mediators that not only can explain how omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation, but also hint at novel treatments for a host of diseases linked to inflammatory processes.

Olive Oil Could Guard Against Developing Ulcerative Colitis

Eating more olive oil could help prevent ulcerative colitis, according to a new study coordinated by medical researchers at the University of East Anglia (UEA).

Slimming Aid From The Cell Laboratory? Inflammation Enzyme Regulates The Production...

Scientists of the German Cancer Research Center (Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, DKFZ) have published an article in Science revealing that the COX-2 inflammation enzyme stimulates the formation of new brown fat tissue in mice. Brown fat tissue transforms energy into heat. Therefore..

NASA Studies Find Omega-3 May Help Reduce Bone Loss

NASA-sponsored studies have found that omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil may play a role in mitigating bone breakdown that occurs during spaceflight and in osteoporosis. Ongoing research for decades has looked for ways to stop bone density loss in astronauts.

High-Fat Meals A No-No for Asthma Patients, Researchers Find

People with asthma may be well-advised to avoid heavy, high-fat meals, according to new research. Individuals with asthma who consumed a high-fat meal showed increased airway inflammation just hours after the binge...

Long-Term Use of Vitamin E May Decrease COPD Risk, Study...

Long-term, regular use of vitamin E in women 45 years of age and older may help decrease the risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) by about 10 percent in both smokers and non-smokers, according to a study conducted by researchers at Cornell University and Brigham and Women's Hospital.

Risks Associated With Common Acid-Suppressing Medications Documented In Series of Studies

Proton pump inhibitors, medications that suppress acid in the stomach, appear to be associated with fractures in postmenopausal women and bacterial infections in many patients, and higher doses do not appear any more beneficial for treating bleeding ulcers...

Regular Use Of Aspirin Increases Risk Of Crohn’s Disease By 5...

People who take aspirin regularly for a year or more may be at an increased risk of developing Crohn's disease, according to a new study by the University of East Anglia (UEA).

Side Effects Explained: Why Common Drugs Can Lead To Broken Bones

New research helps to explain why some commonly used drugs come with a serious downside: They up your odds of breaking a bone. The drugs in question, glucocorticoids (e.g. cortisone and prednisone) and the insulin sensitizer rosiglitazone work through entirely different mechanisms as therapies for inflammatory diseases and diabetes respectively...

Inflammatory Diseases: Scientists Identify Antiviral Defense

Canadian researchers have discovered a new way the body combats respiratory viral infections. In the journal PLoS Pathogens, scientists from the University of Montreal and the University of Montreal Hospital Research Center explain how the NOX2 molecule, an enzyme that...

Breathe Easy: A Natural Fruit Compound May Help Asthma

A preliminary study by a New Zealand company, Plant & Food Research,* shows that natural chemicals from blackcurrants may help breathing in some types of asthma. Researchers found a compound from a New Zealand blackcurrant may reduce lung inflammation with a multi-action assault in allergy-induced asthma.