Sunday, March 9, 2025

Napping May Help With Blood Pressure Management

A daytime sleep could have cardiovascular benefits according to new research by Ryan Brindle and Sarah Conklin, PhD, from Allegheny College in Pennsylvania in the US. Their study, looking at the effect of a daytime nap on cardiovascular recovery following a stress test, found that those participants who slept for at least 45 minutes during the day had lower average blood pressure after psychological stress than those who did not sleep.

Sleep Deprivation: Late Nights Can Lead To Higher Risk of Strokes...

New research from Warwick Medical School published in the European Heart Journal shows that prolonged sleep deprivation and disrupted sleep patterns can have long-term, serious health implications. Leading academics from the University have linked lack of sleep to strokes, heart attacks and cardiovascular disorders which often result in early death.

Room Light Before Bedtime May Impact Sleep Quality, Blood Pressure And...

According to a recent study accepted for publication in The Endocrine Society's Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCEM), exposure to electrical light between dusk and bedtime strongly suppresses melatonin levels and may impact physiologic processes regulated by melatonin signaling, such as sleepiness, thermoregulation, blood pressure and glucose homeostasis.

Popular Sleep Medicine Puts Older Adults At Risk For Falls, Cognitive...

Adults who take one of the world's most commonly prescribed sleep medications are significantly more at risk for nighttime falls and potential injury, according to a new study by the University of Colorado at Boulder.

Study Confirms Notion Of “Beauty Sleep”

Swedish researchers present data confirming that that people deprived of sleep for long periods appear less attractive and more unhealthy than those who are well rested. John Axelsson and colleagues conducted an experiment study involving 23 healthy, sleep deprived adults (ages 18 to 31 years) who were photographed and 65 untrained observers (ages 18 to 61 years) who rated the photographs.

Sleep Makes Your Memories Stronger, And Helps With Creativity

As humans, we spend about a third of our lives asleep. So there must be a point to it, right? Scientists have found that sleep helps consolidate memories, fixing them in the brain so we can retrieve them later. Now, new research is showing that sleep also seems to reorganize memories, picking out the emotional details and reconfiguring the memories to help you produce new and creative ideas, according to the authors of an article in Current Directions in Psychological Science.

The Key To Being Attractive (And Looking Healthy)? A Good Night’s...

If you want to look attractive and healthy, the best thing you can do is get a good night's sleep, finds research in the Christmas issue published on the British Medical Journal website.

For the first time, say the authors, there is scientific backing for the concept of beauty sleep.

Light At Night Causes Changes In Brain Linked To Depression

Exposure to even dim light at night is enough to cause physical changes in the brains of hamsters that may be associated with depression, a new study shows. Researchers found that female Siberian hamsters exposed to dim light every night for eight weeks showed significant changes in a part of the brain called the hippocampus.

Poor Sleep Quality Increases Inflammation, Community Study Finds

People who sleep poorly or do not get enough sleep have higher levels of inflammation, a risk factor for heart disease and stroke, researchers have found. Data from a recent study are scheduled presented Nov. 14 at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions in Chicago by Alanna Morris, MD, a cardiology fellow at Emory University School of Medicine.

Older People Advised That Taking An Afternoon Nap Can Lead To...

Experts at the University of Surrey discovered that many older people felt that they may be branded lazy for taking afternoon naps so they tried hard to avoid nodding off. But the occasional nap can make older people more able to lead a fully active life by giving them enough energy to take part in recreational and social activities.

Research Identifies The Herbal Supplements That Are Effective In Treating Anxiety

A systematic review of research into the use of nutritional supplements for the treatment of anxiety disorders has found strong evidence for the use of extracts of passionflower or kava and combinations of L-lysine and L-arginine.

Women’s Study Finds Longevity Means Getting Just Enough Sleep

A new study, derived from novel sleep research conducted by University of California, San Diego researchers 14 years earlier, suggests that the secret to...