Saturday, September 7, 2024

One in Five Adults Prescribed Medications with Conflicting, Harmful Effects

About three out of four older Americans have multiple chronic health conditions, and more than 20 percent of them are being treated with drugs...

Blood Pressure Meds Linked to Increased Risk of Serious Falls in...

Medications used by many older people to control their blood pressure also increase the risk of serious fall injuries by 30% to 40% –...

Relaxed Guidelines Relieve Millions of Need for Blood Pressure Medications

New guidelines that ease the recommended blood pressure could result in 5.8 million U.S. adults no longer needing hypertension medication, according to an analysis...

Study Links Acetaminophen Use in Pregnancy to Developmental Problems in Children

Paracetamol (known as acetaminophen in the USA) is the most commonly used medicine in pregnancy, yet there are very few studies that have investigated...

Paper Calls for Preventing Diseases of Aging vs Fighting Chronic Illness

Medicine focuses almost entirely on fighting chronic diseases in a piecemeal fashion as symptoms develop. Instead, researchers writing in the journal Nature say more effort should...

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and Rheumatoid Arthritis Meds Linked to Drug-Induced...

Researchers have discovered that patients with a particular genetic variation are four times more likely to develop pancreatitis if they are prescribed a widely...

Prescription Painkiller Deaths Up 400 Percent Over Last 10 Years

Poisoning is considered the leading cause of injury death in the United States; both illicit and pharmaceutical drugs account for 90 percent of poisoning...

Pharmaceuticals, Personal Care Products Detected in Crops Grown in Recycled Water

Irrigating crops with recycled water can result in vegetables laced with small amounts of drugs and personal care chemicals, but researchers disagree on whether...

Common Pain Reliever Blocks Ability to Feel Pleasure

Researchers studying the commonly used pain reliever acetaminophen found it has a previously unknown side effect: It blunts positive emotions. In the study, participants...

Helping Doctors Predict Which Patients Benefit Most From Statins

Genomic data could predict whether statins will benefit a patient or not, according to an article in the open access journal Genome Biology. The...

Brain Tumor Cells Destroyed by Mitochondrial ‘Smart Bomb’

An experimental drug that attacks brain tumor tissue by crippling mitochondria, the cells' energy source, has passed early tests in animal models and human...

Common Bacteria on Verge of Becoming Antibiotic-Resistant Superbugs

Antibiotic resistance is poised to spread globally among bacteria frequently implicated in respiratory and urinary infections in hospital settings, according to new research at...