Saturday, September 7, 2024

Stressed Proteins Can Cause Blood Clots For Hours

New research from Rice University, Baylor College of Medicine (BCM) and the Puget Sound Blood Center (PSBC) has revealed how stresses of flow in the small blood vessels of the heart and brain could cause a common protein to change shape and form dangerous blood clots. The scientists were surprised to find that the proteins could remain in the dangerous, clot-initiating shape for up to five hours before returning to their normal, healthy shape.

Mummy CT Scans Show Preindustrial Hunter Gatherers Had Clogged Arteries

Like nearly 4.6 million Americans, ancient hunter-gatherers also suffered from clogged arteries, revealing that the plaque build-up causing blood clots, heart attacks and strokes is not just a result of fatty diets or couch potato habits, according to new research in the journal The Lancet.

Significantly Higher Risk of Stroke in Young Adults with Insomnia

The risk of stroke may be much higher in people with insomnia compared to those who don't have trouble sleeping, according to new research...

Bananas Aren’t Best Source of Potassium For Reducing Stroke Risk

Until middle age, women tend to have lower stroke risks than men. But then menopause happens, and a swirling mix of hormones changes everything....

New Hope for Stroke Recovery: Mechanism for Repairing Damaged Brain Cells...

A previously unknown mechanism through which the brain produces new nerve cells after a stroke has been discovered at Lund University and Karolinska Institutet...

Too Much Vitamin D Linked to Strokes and Heart Attack

The level of vitamin D in our blood should neither be too high nor to low. Scientists from the University of Copenhagen are the...

Egg Consumption Shown to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease

Contrary to years of misinformation about eggs raising blood cholesterol levels and increasing risk for cardiovascular disease, people who consume an egg a day...