Thursday, March 6, 2025

Muscle Regeneration Via MacroPhage Action

For scientists at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in Monterotondo, Italy, what seemed like a disappointing result turned out to be an important discovery. Their findings, published online this week in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), provide conclusive proof that, when a muscle is injured, white blood cells called macrophages play a crucial role in its regeneration. The scientists also uncovered the genetic switch that...

Lung Function, Insulin Resistance And Incidence Of Cardiovascular Disease: A Longitudinal...

Moderately reduced lung function as measured by FVC, or forced vital capacity, is related to an increased risk of developing insulin resistance and diabetes. Researchers in this study think that this may be a link between reduced lung function and cardiovascular events such as stroke, heart attack and heart failure. Since lung function declines rapidly with age, ...

Piece From Childhood Virus May Save Soldiers’ Lives

A harmless shard from the shell of a common childhood virus may halt a biological process that kills a significant percentage of battlefield casualties, heart attack victims and oxygen-deprived newborns, according to research presented Sunday, September 6, 2009, at the 12th European meeting on complement in human disease in Budapest, Hungary. Introducing the virus’s shell ...

New Tests Needed To Predict Cardiovascular Problems In Older People More...

A long-standing system for assessing the risk of cardiovascular disease amongst older people should be replaced with something more accurate, according to a study published published on the British Medical Journal website. The Dutch study looked at several hundred people with no history of cardiovascular disease aged 85 over a five year period to see ...

Reduced Lung Capacity Linked To Cardiovascular Disease By Inflammation

People who have a reduced lung capacity may have a greater risk of heart attack and stroke because they show evidence of inflammation, reveals a study published online ahead of print in Thorax. This association is not related to smoking, respiratory diseases or obesity. The New Zealand researchers took measurements of lung capacity and inflammation ...

Scientists Uncover Immune System’s Role In Bone Loss

Got high cholesterol? You might want to consider a bone density test. A new UCLA study sheds light on the link between high cholesterol and osteoporosis and identifies a new way that the body’s immune cells play a role in bone loss. Published Aug. 20 in the journal Clinical Immunology, the research could lead to ...

Surprising Rate Of Recurring Heart Attacks, Strokes Globally

US doesn’t fare as well as Japan and Australia Despite many medicines and other treatments for patients with vascular disease, a large international study shows these patients have a surprisingly high rate of recurring events such as strokes, heart attacks and hospitalizations as well as mortality. Also unexpected: patients in North America (including the U.S.) experienced ...

Simple Test May Identify Stroke Survivors At Risk Of Another Cardiovascular...

Study highlights: * Measuring blood flow in the ankle may identify stroke survivors at risk of subsequent events. * This test, the ankle brachial index, compares blood flow in the ankle to blood flow in the arm to detect poor circulation caused by fatty plaque buildup in the lower ...

Nuisance Or Nutrient? Kudzu Shows Promise As A Dietary Supplement

Kudzu, the nuisance vine that has overgrown almost 10 million acres in the southeastern United States, may sprout into a dietary supplement. Scientists in Alabama and Iowa are reporting the first evidence that root extracts from kudzu show promise as a dietary supplement for a high-risk condition — the metabolic syndrome — that affects almost ...

Brain Starvation As We Age Appears To Trigger Alzheimer’s: Improving Blood...

A slow, chronic starvation of the brain as we age appears to be one of the major triggers of a biochemical process that causes some forms of Alzheimer’s disease. A new study from Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine has found when the brain doesn’t get enough sugar glucose — as might occur when cardiovascular disease ...

Research Shows Low Vitamin D Levels Raise Risk of Heart Disease...

Low levels of vitamin D are known to nearly double the risk of cardiovascular disease in patients with diabetes, and researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis now think they know why. They have found that diabetics deficient in vitamin D can’t process cholesterol normally, so it builds up in their blood vessels, ...

Little Known Type Of Cholesterol – Oxycholesterol – May Pose The...

Health-conscious people know that high levels of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol (the so-called “bad” cholesterol) can increase the risk of heart attacks. Now scientists are reporting that another form of cholesterol called oxycholesterol — virtually unknown to the public — may be the most serious cardiovascular health threat of all. Scientists from China presented one ...