Sunday, March 9, 2025

Cooking Food With Treated Tap Water Creates Newly Discovered Class of...

Cooking with chloraminated water could put potentially harmful toxins in your food, according to a new study published in Water Research. The study reveals...

Early Contact with Dogs Linked to Lower Risk of Asthma

A team of Swedish scientists have used national register information in more than one million Swedish children to study the association of early life...

Saffron Compound May Inhibit Pancreatic Cancer Cell Growth

For several years now, researchers in the University of Kansas Medical Center's Department of Cancer Biology have been examining the effects of crocetin on...

One in Three Americans Get Too Little Vitamin E to Prevent...

A recent study suggests that obese people with metabolic syndrome face an unexpected quandary when it comes to vitamin E – they need more than...

Study Says Eating Mediterranean Foods May Prevent Brain Shrinkage, Prolong Brain...

Following a Mediterranean-like diet is associated with losing fewer brain cells due to aging, according to a study published in the October 21, 2015,...

Popular OTC Cold and Flu Medicine Doesn’t Work, Scientists Call on...

The market for over-the-counter cold medicines is worth $8 billion annually, with a hefty portion spent on drugs marketed as decongestants. But according to...

Diet That Mimics Fasting Slows Aging

Want to lose abdominal fat, get smarter and live longer? New research led by USC's Valter Longo shows that a four-day low-calorie diet that...

Salt Isn’t as Bad For You as The Government Says –...

To reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, the World Health Organization recommends we consume no more than 2000 mg of sodium a...

Common Antidepressant Clogs Arteries (Coronary Atherosclerosis) Six-Fold in Animal Study

A commonly prescribed antidepressant caused up to a six-fold increase in atherosclerosis plaque in the coronary arteries of non-human primates, according to a study...

Inexpensive ($1) Blood Test Using Gold Nanoparticles Outperforms PSA Screening for...

A test that costs less than a $1 and yields results in minutes has been shown in newly published studies to be more sensitive...

Misleading Niacin Study, or What Happens to Patients on a Witches...

Sandwiched between the constant slew of drug advertisements that fill most of the scant 30 minutes that pass as evening ‘news’ on national broadcast...

Longtime Smokers Kick Habit with Help From Magic Mushrooms

Johns Hopkins researchers report that a small number of longtime smokers who had failed numerous attempts to kick the habit have succesfully quit smoking...