Gamers Succeed Where Scientists Fail: Molecular Structure Of Retrovirus Enzyme Solved

Gamers have solved the structure of a retrovirus enzyme whose configuration had stumped scientists for more than a decade. The gamers achieved their discovery by playing Foldit, an online game that allows players to collaborate and compete in predicting the structure of protein molecules.

Some Memory Complaints In The Elderly May Be Warning Signs Of...

Older individuals' complaints about memory lapses such as having trouble remembering recent events may indicate that they are experiencing cognitive problems that are greater than typical age-related changes. These findings, which are published September 15 in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, indicate that...

Sleep Interruptions Erode Memory

Storing Information Requires a Continuous Supply of Z's Continuity of sleep, not just the total hours of nightly slumber, is crucial to forming and retaining...

Alzheimer’s Brains Found to Have Lower Levels of Key Protein

Researchers have found that a protein variation linked by some genetic studies to Alzheimer's disease is consistently present in the brains of people with...

Signs of Aging May Be Linked to Undetected Blocked Brain Blood...

Many common signs of aging, such as shaking hands, stooped posture and walking slower, may be due to tiny blocked vessels in the brain...

Study Reveals Gut Reaction to Arthritis Drugs; Stomach Acid-Suppressing Drugs Appear...

Patients often take drugs to lower stomach acid and reduce the chances they will develop ulcers from taking their anti-inflammatory drugs for conditions such...

The Brittleness of Aging Bones: More Than Loss of Bone Mass

It is a well-established fact that as we grow older, our bones become more brittle and prone to fracturing. It is also well established that loss of mass is a major reason for older bones fracturing more readily than younger bones, hence medical treatments have focused on slowing down this loss.

Natural Cellular Antioxidant Declines With Age: Cell’s Reserve Fighting Force Diminished

When the body fights oxidative damage, it calls up a reservist enzyme that protects cells -- but only if those cells are relatively young, a study has found. Biologists at USC discovered major declines in the availability of an enzyme, known as the Lon protease, as human cells grow older.

Wakeup Call For College Students: New Research Finds You Need To...

University of Cincinnati research finds that college students could be undermining their own education, simply because they're not practicing proper sleep habits. The study, led by Adam Knowlden, a UC doctoral student in UC's Health Promotion and Education Program, also holds recommendations for students to form better sleep habits that will ultimately enhance their learning.

Mind-Altering Microbes: Probiotic Bacteria May Lessen Anxiety and Depression

Probiotic bacteria have the potential to alter brain neurochemistry and treat anxiety and depression-related disorders according to research published in the Proceedings of the...