New Drug From MIT Cures Nearly All Viral Infections, Including Common...

Most bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics such as penicillin, discovered decades ago. However, such drugs are useless against viral infections, including influenza,...

Free Radicals Crucial to Suppressing Appetite

Obesity is growing at alarming rates worldwide, and the biggest culprit is overeating. In a study of brain circuits that control hunger and satiety,...

Chinese Club Moss Extract (Huperzine A) May Improve Cognition In Alzheimer’s...

Existing evidence suggests that patients with Alzheimer's disease who have taken Huperzine A have improved general cognitive function, global clinical status, functional performance and...

Natural Alzheimer’s-Fighting Compound Created Inexpensively in Lab

Scientists at Yale University have developed the first practical method to create a compound called huperzine A in the lab. The compound, which occurs...

Building a Better Antipsychotic Drug by Treating Schizophrenia’s Cause: How Drugs...

The classic symptoms of schizophrenia -- paranoia, hallucinations, the inability to function socially -- can be managed with antipsychotic drugs. But exactly how these...

Wide Gap in Immune Responses of People Exposed to the Flu

Why do some folks who take every precaution still get the flu, while others never even get the sniffles? It comes down to a person's...

Poor Sleep Quality Increases Risk of High Blood Pressure

Reduced slow wave sleep (SWS) is a powerful predictor for developing high blood pressure in older men, according to new research in Hypertension: Journal of...

Why Only Some Obese People Develop Chronic Diseases: Disease-Causing Fat Cells...

UC Davis Health System researchers have discovered biological indicators that help explain why some obese people develop chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease, and others do not. The researchers took a novel approach of looking specifically at the body fat of people with metabolic syndrome -- a condition characterized by increased blood pressure, high-fasting blood-sugar levels, excess abdominal fat and abnormal cholesterol levels.

Aerobic Exercise Bests Resistance Training At Burning Belly Fat

Aerobic exercise is your best bet when it comes to losing that dreaded belly fat, a new study finds. When Duke University Medical Center researchers conducted a head-to-head comparison of aerobic exercise, resistance training, and a combination of the two, they found aerobic exercise to be the most efficient and most effective way to lose the belly fat that's most damaging to your health.

Caffeine Lowers Risk Of Skin Cancer: Coffee-Based Sunscreen Might Work Best

There might be a time when instead of just drinking that morning cup of coffee you lather it on your skin as a way of preventing harmful sun damage or skin cancer. A new Rutgers study strengthens the theory that caffeine guards against certain skin cancers at the molecular level by inhibiting a protein enzyme in the skin, known as ATR.