‘Good’ Bacteria Keep Immune System Primed To Fight Future Infections

Scientists have long pondered the seeming contradiction that taking broad-spectrum antibiotics over a long period of time can lead to severe secondary bacterial infections. Now researchers from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine may have figured out why.

Too Much Sugar Is Bad, But Which Sugar Is Worse: Fructose...

In 2005, the average American consumed 64kg of added sugar, a sizeable proportion of which came through drinking soft drinks. Now, in a 10-week study, Peter Havel and colleagues, at the University of California at Davis, Davis, have provided evidence that human consumption of...

Fructose-Sweetened Drinks Increase Nonfasting Triglycerides In Obese Adults

Obese people who drink fructose-sweetened beverages with their meals have an increased rise of triglycerides following the meal, according to new research from the Monell Center. "Increased triglycerides after a meal are known predictors of cardiovascular disease,"...

Gout Increases Risk Of Heart Attack, According To Study

People with gout are at increased risk of having a heart attack, according to a University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine study published in the August edition of the journal Arthritis & Rheumatism. This is the first study to show...

Sugary Soft Drinks Linked To Increased Risk Of Gout In Men

Consumption of sugar sweetened soft drinks and fructose is strongly associated with an increased risk of gout in men, finds a study published by the British Medical Journal. Gout is a joint disease which causes extreme pain and swelling. It is most common in...

A Université de Montréal Research Team Is Developing A Pill Composed...

"Mice deprived of leptin will not stop eating. They become so big they have trouble moving around," says Moïse Bendayan, a pathology professor at the Université de Montréal Faculty of Medicine who has studied the leptin protein extensively.

Arthritis: Environmental Exposure to Hairspray, Lipstick, Pollution, Can Trigger Autoimmune Diseases

The links between autoimmune diseases, infections, genetics and the environment are complex and mysterious. Why are people who live near airports more susceptible to autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus? How do hormones in meat trigger the onset of a disease?

Human Growth Hormone: Not A Life Extender After All?

People profoundly deficient in human growth hormone (HGH) due to a genetic mutation appear to live just as long as people who make normal amounts of the hormone, a new study shows. The findings suggest that HGH may not be the "fountain of youth" that some researchers have suggested.

Vitamin D Supplements Could Fight Crohn’s Disease

A new study has found that Vitamin D, readily available in supplements or cod liver oil, can counter the effects of Crohn's disease. John White, an endocrinologist at the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre, led a team of scientists from...

Rejuvenating The Old Immune System

Thanks to the progress in health care and improved living conditions, we live longer. The price we pay: Our immune system loses functionality as we age and the susceptibility to infections increases. Members of the infection immunology research group at the...