OsteoPhase For Ankle Fracture, Jaw Implants


Our second report involves a woman who wrote in to share her experience after using OsteoPhase for a fractured ankle. Her doctors had become concerned because her ankle fracture was not healing properly, causing her continual pain while walking. This type of non-union fracture is actually quite common, and occurs in about 10 percent of all fractures. After a four-month course with OsteoPhase her ankle pain disappeared completely and her doctors canceled plans for further surgery to stabilize her ankle. Today she has been able to return to walking — and dancing — in her favorite high heels.

But the story doesn’t end there. As with the previous case, this client had also lost several teeth and had planned on undergoing oral surgery for dental implants. An appointment with her orthodontist prior to taking OsteoPhase for her ankle was a disappointment, as x-rays had revealed that she had lost too much bone in her jaw to allow for the implant surgery.

Just four months later, after taking OsteoPhase for her fractured ankle, a follow-up set of x-rays revealed that she now has enough bone tissue for the dental implants. Physicians and researchers consider bone growth to be very significant when it is so extensive that it appears on x-rays, and these reports further underscore that the disruption of the healthy regulation of calcium balance in the body is a primary underlying factor in poor bone growth.

John Steinke, L.Ac.
Director of Product Development

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