About Nutrition Review


About Nutrition Review

Nutrition Review is a free online resource covering issues related to the therapeutic benefits of nutritional supplements and their potential role in preventing illness, enhancing health, improving quality of life and extending lifespan. Nutrition Review provides access to a growing library of published articles, supported by an interactive glossary of nutritional supplements, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and herbal formulas.

In addition to regular web updates, Nutrition Review also publishes a newsletter via email (monthly) and USPS mail (6 issues per year). Subscription to Nutrition Review is free (subscribe here).

Nutrition Review is produced and edited by Jim English. Since 1990 Jim has served as a research author and newsletter editor for leading supplement companies (Vitamin Research Products, Allergy Research / Nutricology, Life Extension Org., etc.). In 2002 Jim launched Nutrition Review to share his interest in the growing fields of Complementary and Integrative health.

In 2004 Jim co-founded Tango Advanced Nutrition to manufacture and distribute a unique line of proprietary herbal formulas designed by leading anti-aging researchers and herbal scientists. These formulas are modern versions of traditional Chinese “essence” herbs that have historically been revered for their ability to enhance energy, rejuvenate vitality and improve general health.

Previously unavailable to Western consumers, these groundbreaking formulas combine traditional Chinese herbs with modern pharmaceutical processing and biotech extraction techniques to unleash the restorative powers of these legendary herbal formulas.

Email comments and suggestions to Jim English.

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