ArthriPhase Helps Overcome Stiffness, Pain In Wrist And Fingers


As a dental hygienist, the proper functioning of my wrist, hands, and fingers are vital to my profession. About a year ago, I was experiencing stiff wrist and fingers upon awakening and this eventually continued throughout the day. After the stiffness, pain set in.

Due to past experience, I knew that modern medications were not my solution. They merely masked the issues, let the source of the problem get worse, and gave me digestive problems (aggravating my liver and kidneys). Around that time, I was diagnosed with joint problems. Frankly, at age 49, I was petrified of not being able to work, if this continued.

I was delighted when I received information from the Health Sciences Institute informing me of the effectiveness of ArthriPhase. Other letters on your website convinced me and I ordered a bottle of ArthriPhase.

I am delighted to report that halfway through the bottle, my pain was almost all gone and I could bend my fingers and close my hands. The stiffness disappeared completely after I began the second bottle.

Thank you for your wonderful product and much continued success!

Sylvia D.


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