Monday, March 3, 2025

Shock And Age

The accumulation of misfolded protein marks the accrual of years as the body ages. Could heat shock proteins be used to reduce the effects of aging and diminish the risk of disease by untangling improperly folded proteins?

Lies, Damn Lies And Medical Research

Mahatma Gandhi was once asked by a reporter what he thought about western civilization, and in light of the uncivilized treatment by the British government of his nonviolent actions, he immediately replied, "Western civilization? Yes, it is a good idea." Likewise, if he were asked what he thought about "scientific medicine," he would probably have replied in a similar manner.

Rejuvenating, Anti-aging Benefits Of Vital Herbal Formula

Clinical Trial of Age-Related Health Problems in 150 Adults. Research on an advanced anti-aging formula shows how the herbal combination works to counter a host of problems commonly associated with human aging.

Blood Glucose And Risk Of Incident And Fatal Cancer In The...

Tanja Stocks and colleagues carry out an analysis of six European cohorts and confirm that abnormal glucose metabolism is linked with increased risk of cancer overall and at specific sites.

Evolutionary Surprise: Eight Percent Of Human Genetic Material Comes From A...

About eight percent of human genetic material comes from a virus and not from our ancestors, according to researchers in Japan and the U.S. The study, and an accompanying News & Views article by University of Texas at Arlington biology professor Cédric Feschotte, is published in the journal Nature...

Positive Influence Of Viruses On Modern Life

Viruses have a bad reputation: in humans, they cause illnesses as varied as colds, flu, cervical cancer, polio and ebola. But to focus exclusively on the harm they cause is to do them an injustice, for viruses are also fascinating, mysterious and powerful forces of nature.

Celiac Disease Four Times More Prevalent Now Than in 1950s

Celiac disease is an immune system reaction to gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley or rye. In patients with celiac disease, ingesting gluten...

Could Vinegar be a Natural Fat Fighter?

Ordinary vinegar – acetic acid – may prevent the build up of fat, and therefore weight gain, according to results of a study with...

Lack Of Sleep More Dangerous For Women Than Men

Women who get less than eight hours sleep a night are at higher risk of heart disease and heart-related problems than men with the...

Tamiflu Resistance Emerges in European Flu Pandemic

The National Health Board of Denmark has announced the first known case of pandemic H1N1 flu resistant to the antiviral drug Tamiflu, stressing that...

Few Survive Cardiac Arrest, Even With Hospital CPR

As the recent death of Michael Jackson has shown, few patients in cardiac arrest survive, even when given CPR by a trained health professional....