Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Germanium (GE-132)

Organic germanium is the common name for the chemical biscarboxyethyl germanium sesquioxide (also called organo germanium, germanium-132 or Ge-132.) Organic germanium has recently sparked...

Research Supports Anti-Aging Benefits of “Elite Class” of Tonic Herbs

By Jim English  Tonic Herbalism is the practice of combining traditional ‘tonic herbs’ to achieve a synergistic effect that far greater than what can be obtained...

Vitamin B15 (Pangamic Acid)

While often referred to as Vitamin B15, pangamic acid is not generally recognized as a vitamin, since there is neither an established essential need...


Scientific evidence from laboratories around the world suggests that deprenyl, also known as selegiline, may have broad anti-aging benefits, both mental and physical. Among...


DMAE, (Dimethylaminoethanol) is a nutritional supplement that supports the old wives' tale that fish is a great brain food. DMAE is normally present in...


Arginine is an amino acid which becomes an essential amino acid when the body is under stress or is in an injured state. Depressed...

Gerovital (GH-3)

Dr. Ana Aslan, director of the Institute of Geriatrics in Romania, developed Gerovital (GH-3) in the early 1950s. GH-3 has been hailed as a...


The hop plant, Humulus lupuius, is a a perennial climbing vine and hedgerow that twines around trees. Belonging to the family Cannabidaceae, hops are...


Isoleucine is a essential branched chain amino acid found abundently in most foods. Isoleucine is found in especially high amounts in meats, fish, cheese,...


The granddaddy of the so-called smart drugs, hydergine has a long history as a mental de-ager. An extract of ergot, a fungus that grows...


Horsetail (Equisetum Arvense) is a rush-like perennial related to ferns. The hollow, jointed stems of this flowerless plant contain large amounts of silica and...


Histidine is intricately involved in a large number of critical metabolic processes, ranging from the production of red and white blood cells to regulating...