Butcher’s Broom
Butcher's broom, also referred to as knee holly, box holly and sweet broom, comes from the plant Suscus aculaetus, a short evergreen shrub that...
Blue Cohosh
Blue cohosh, latin name Caulophyllum thalictroides, is an herb derived from the rhizome and roots of a small North American perennial. Blue cohosh is...
Blessed Thistle
Blessed thistle is a plant found primarily in Aisia and Europe. Blessed thistle is also referred to as St. Benedict thistle and holy thistle,...
Black Cohosh
The popular herb Black cohosh comes from the root of the North American forest plant Cimicifuga racemosa. Also known as black snakeroot, bugbane, bugwort...
Biotin (Vit. B-7)
Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin and member of the B-complex family. Originally isolated in 1901, over the years numerous researchers attached different names to...