Friday, February 14, 2025

Study Questions Conventional Approach to Halting Spread of Drug Resistant Bacteria

In response to the rise of drug-resistant pathogens, doctors are routinely cautioned against overprescribing antimicrobials. But when a patient has a confirmed bacterial infection,...

Antibiotics That Kill Gut Bacteria Also Block Growth of New Brain...

Antibiotics strong enough to kill off gut bacteria can also stop the growth of new brain cells in the hippocampus, a section of the...

Gut Bacteria Communicate to Repair Damage Caused by Long-Term Antibiotic Use

A research team led by Karina Xavier at the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (IGC, Portugal) has shown that bacteria living in the intestine both...

Common Bacteria on Verge of Becoming Antibiotic-Resistant Superbugs

Antibiotic resistance is poised to spread globally among bacteria frequently implicated in respiratory and urinary infections in hospital settings, according to new research at...

Breakthrough in ‘Programmable’ Antibiotics to Target, Attack Drug-Resistant Microbes

The multitude of microbes scientists have found populating the human body have good, bad and mostly mysterious implications for our health. But when something...

Common Compound in Consumer Products Harms Microbiome, Triggers Gut Inflammation

A new study conducted in mice demonstrates precisely how triclosan, an antimicrobial found in many household items, including some toothpastes, toys and thousands of...