Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Eating Chocolate For Breakfast Can Reduce Hunger and Benefit Weight Control

Eating milk chocolate every day may sound like a recipe for weight gain, but a new study of postmenopausal women has found that eating...

Remote Control of Blood Sugar: Electromagnetic Fields Treat Diabetes in Animal...

Researchers from the University of Iowa may have discovered a safe new way to manage blood sugar non-invasively. Exposing diabetic mice to a combination...

Vaccine Alters Gut Bacteria to Block Chronic Inflammatory Diseases

A new vaccine that targets flagellin, a protein that allows bacteria to move about the gut, can beneficially alter the intestinal microbiota to reduce...

How Elevated Blood Sugar Levels Damage Blood Vessels to Trigger Diabetic...

Researchers have discovered the mechanism whereby elevated blood glucose levels (hyperglycemia) damage human blood vessels to trigger the onset of a range of deadly...

Vitamin C Lowers Blood Sugar Levels and Blood Pressure in Type...

A new study by Australian researchers has found that taking 500 mg of vitamin C twice daily can help people with Type 2 diabetes...

Extra Vitamin C Prevents Antioxidant Depletion of Metabolic Syndrome

A higher intake of vitamin C is crucial for metabolic syndrome patients trying to halt a potentially deadly cycle of antioxidant disruption and health-related...

Intermittent Fasting Reverses Type 2 Diabetes in New Paper

Planned intermittent fasting may help to reverse type 2 diabetes, suggest doctors writing in the journal BMJ Case Reports after three patients in their...

Insecticides Mimic Melatonin, Creating Higher Risk of Diabetes

Synthetic chemicals commonly found in insecticides and garden products bind to the receptors that govern our biological clocks, University at Buffalo researchers have found....

Snail Venom Leading to Better Diabetes Treatments

University of Utah researchers have found that the structure of an insulin molecule produced by predatory cone snails may be an improvement over current...

Researchers Detail Link Between Stress and Diabetes

A Rice University study has found a link between emotional stress and diabetes, with roots in the brain's ability to control anxiety. That control lies...

Scientists Discover New Class of “Good” Fat That Fights Diabetes

Scientists at the Salk Institute and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) in Boston have discovered a new class of molecules produced in human...

Vitamin D Prevents Diabetes and Clogged Arteries in Mice

In recent years vitamin D deficiency has been linked to type 2 diabetes and heart disease, two illnesses that commonly occur together and are...