Thursday, March 6, 2025

Women With Diabetes at Greater Risk of Coronary Heart Disease Than...

A systematic review and meta-analysis of some 850,000 people published in Diabetologia (the journal of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes) shows...

Increase in Levels of Amino Acid Tyrosine Linked to Diabetes

Elevated levels of an amino acid, tyrosine, alter development and longevity in animals and may contribute to the development of diabetes in people, new...

Nobelist Offers New Theory for Cause of Type 2 Diabetes

At 85, Nobel laureate James D. Watson, the co-discoverer of the double-helix structure of DNA, continues to advance intriguing scientific ideas. His latest, a...

Sleep Disruption Linked to Diabetes, Aging in Mice

Sleep, or the lack of it, seems to affect just about every aspect of human physiology. Yet, the molecular pathways through which sleep deprivation...

Traditional Chinese Medicines Stall Progression of Diabetes

Traditional Chinese herbal medicines hold promise for slowing the progression from prediabetes to an official diabetes diagnosis, according to new research accepted for publication...

Time to Break the Beta Blocker Habit?

First developed in the 1950s, beta blockers have been a mainstay in medicine for decades, used to treat everything from heart disease to stage...

Fruit Consumption, Not Juice, Shown to Reduce Type-2 Diabetes

Eating more fruit, particularly blueberries, apples and grapes, is linked to a reduced risk of developing Type-2 diabetes. Blueberries cut the risk of developing Type-2...

Getting Enough Sleep Could Help Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

Men who lose sleep during the work week may be able to lower their risk of developing Type 2 diabetes by getting more hours...

Reversing Insulin Resistance to Reduce Type 2 Diabetes

While Regaining Control of Metabolism to Curb Carbohydrate Cravings, Control Weight A recent article in the New York Times reveals that 800,000 New Yorkers – more than...

Cucurbita Pumpkin Rejuvenates ßeta Cells, Restores Insulin Production

An extract derived from pumpkin (Cucurbita ficifolia) may improve blood glucose levels in diabetics and exert antioxidant effects, according to a new study. If...

Baldness Linked To Increased Risk Of Coronary Heart Disease

Male pattern baldness is linked to an increased risk of coronary heart disease, but only if it's on the top/crown of the head, rather than at the front, finds an analysis of published evidence in the online journal BMJ Open. A receding hairline is not linked to an increased risk, the analysis indicates.

Our Internal Clocks Can Become Ticking Time Bombs For Diabetes And...

If you're pulling and all-nighter to finish a term paper, a new parent up all night with a fussy baby, or simply can't sleep like you once could, then you may be snoozing on good health. That's because new research published in The FASEB Journal used mice to show that proper sleep patterns are critical for healthy metabolic function, and even mild impairment in our circadian rhythms can lead to serious health consequences, including diabetes and obesity.