Predatory Viruses Reshape the Gut Microbiome as They Hunt Bacteria
The gut microbiome is a complex, interconnected ecosystem of species. And, like any ecosystem, some organisms are predators and some are prey. A new...
Gut Damage Linked to Premature Death From Sleep-Loss in New Animal...
Scientists have long studied sleep, a phenomenon that appears to be fundamental for life, yet one that in many ways remains mysterious. Almost every...
Study Reveals Link Between Gut Bacteria and Vitamin D Levels
Our gut microbiomes – the many bacteria, viruses and other microbes living in our digestive tracts – play important roles in our health and...
Common Compound in Consumer Products Harms Microbiome, Triggers Gut Inflammation
A new study conducted in mice demonstrates precisely how triclosan, an antimicrobial found in many household items, including some toothpastes, toys and thousands of...