Saturday, July 27, 2024

How to Stop Hospitals From Killing Us

Medical errors kill enough people to fill four jumbo jets a week. A surgeon with five simple ways to make health care safer. When there...

New SARS-like virus poses medical mystery

Scientists are trying to unravel a medical mystery involving a new type of coronavirus, which come from that same large family of viruses that...

Viruses Help Scientists Battle Pathogenic Bacteria and Improve Water Supply

Infectious bacteria received a taste of their own medicine from University of Missouri researchers who used viruses to infect and kill colonies of Pseudomonas aeruginosa,...

Exposure to School-Age Children Ups Severity of Cold Infections

Exposure to school-age children raises the odds that a person with lung disease who catches a cold will actually suffer symptoms like a runny...

A Parasite’s Parasites

French scientists identify a new giant virus, which carries the genome of a smaller virus and a new breed of mobile DNA.

Synthetic Stool Can Cure C. Difficile Infection, Study Suggests

A synthetic "poop" developed at the University of Guelph can cure nasty gastrointestinal infections caused by Clostridium difficile, a toxin-producing bacterium.

Fighting Microbes With Microbes

Doctors turn to good microbes to fight disease. Will the same strategy work with crops? Like humans, with their complement of microbes that aid in everything from immune responses to nutrition, plants rely on a vast array of bacteria and fungi for health and defense. Over the last decade, research has revealed many new functional aspects of the crosstalk between human-associated microbes and human cells, but plant biologists are only beginning to scratch the surface of the often surprising ways that soil microbiota impact plants

Restoring Thymus Function for Enhanced Immune Response

The key to a healthy, functioning immune system rests with the thymus gland, a small organ lying just beneath the breastbone. The primary role...

Estrogen Is a New Weapon Against Urinary Tract Infection in Postmenopausal...

Estrogen stimulates the production of the body's own antibiotic and strengthens the cells in the urinary tract, according to a new study from Karolinska...

Silver Boosts Antibiotic Efficacy

Silver makes bacteria more susceptible to antibiotics by weakening their cell membranes and inducing overproduction of DNA-damaging oxidative radicals. The antimicrobial properties of silver have...

‘Good’ Bacteria Can Battle ‘Bad’ Bacteria in Eye Infections

Much as predators attack their prey in the animal world, there are bacteria that consume and kill other bacteria. Scientists are reporting new progress...

Stomach Bacteria Switch Off Human Immune Defenses to Cause Disease

Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium that establishes a life-long stomach infection in humans, which in some cases can lead to duodenal ulcers or stomach cancer....