Monday, March 3, 2025

U.S. Patent for Novel Solution to Antibiotic Resistance Problem

A chemist based at the University of Copenhagen has taken out a patent for a drug that can make previously multidrug-resistant bacteria once again...

A Galaxy Within Us: Programming Gut Microbiota with Food

Who would have thought that the human body contains over 10 times the amount of bacterial cells as human cells? These bacteria — now...

Overcoming Antibiotic Resistance with Bacteriophages

A team of scientists from Europe has recently isolated a group of naturally-occurring viruses that specifically target the highly infectious hospital superbug Clostridium difficile (C. diff). Dr Martha Clokie of...

Going Viral – Bacteriophages Offer Sustainable, Powerful Method of Controlling Microbes

In the early 1900s, most researchers believed that DNA was a “stupid molecule,” too simple to be of any value in the transmission of...

Bacteria Responsible for Gum Disease Linked to Rheumatoid Arthritis

Chronic periodontal disease (PD) – one of the most prevalent infectious inflammatory diseases affecting humans – has been positively linked to systemic inflammatory disorders,...

Cold Sores Linked to Common Gene Mutation

Cold sores affect around one in five people but, until now, no one has been sure why some are more prone to the virus...

Restoring Thymus Function for Enhanced Immune Response

The key to a healthy, functioning immune system rests with the thymus gland, a small organ lying just beneath the breastbone. The primary role...

How Oral Antibiotics Contribute to Pathogenic Gut Infections

In a new study published in the online Sept. 1 issue of Nature, researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine  pinpoint ways to counter the...

Study Reveals Best Test for Clostridium Difficile (C. Diff) Diagnosis

The largest study of its kind, carried out by experts at the University of Leeds, has shown the most effective test for the diagnosis...

Stomach Bacteria Switch Off Human Immune Defenses to Cause Disease

Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium that establishes a life-long stomach infection in humans, which in some cases can lead to duodenal ulcers or stomach cancer....

‘Good’ Bacteria Can Battle ‘Bad’ Bacteria in Eye Infections

Much as predators attack their prey in the animal world, there are bacteria that consume and kill other bacteria. Scientists are reporting new progress...

Silver Boosts Antibiotic Efficacy

Silver makes bacteria more susceptible to antibiotics by weakening their cell membranes and inducing overproduction of DNA-damaging oxidative radicals. The antimicrobial properties of silver have...