Friday, March 14, 2025

Scientists Successfully Test Light Activated Cancer-Killing ‘Metabolic Warhead’ Drug

Researchers have successfully tested a “Trojan Horse” drug which can kill cancer and bacterial cells without damaging nearby healthy tissue. The drug was invented...

Natural Dietary Supplement Beta-Sitosterol May Help Relieve Anxiety, Study Suggests

A common dietary supplement, beta-sitosterol, has been shown to reduce anxiety in mice, according to a new Weizmann Institute of Science study. The natural,...

Three Years Younger in Just Eight Weeks? A Groundbreaking New Study...

A groundbreaking clinical trial shows we can reduce biological age (as measured by the Horvath 2013 DNAmAge clock) by more than three years in...

Feeling Younger Buffers Older Adults From Stress, Protects Against Health Decline

People who feel younger have a greater sense of well-being, better cognitive functioning, less inflammation, lower risk of hospitalization and even live longer than...

Thin, Brittle Bones Strongly Linked to Increased Heart Disease Risk in...

Thin and brittle bones are strongly linked to women's heart disease risk, with thinning of the lower (lumbar) spine, top of the thigh bone...

Cocoa Powder Improves Health of Obese Mice; Implications for Humans

Supplementation of cocoa powder in the diet of high-fat-fed mice with liver disease markedly reduced the severity of their condition, according to a new...

Death Rate Doubles in Seniors Taking Prescription Drugs Due to Increased...

Nearly every older adult in the US has been prescribed a drug that can significantly increase their risk of falling, according to new study...

Vital Exhaustion Linked with Increased Risk of Heart Attack in Men

Men experiencing vital exhaustion are more likely to have a heart attack, according to research presented at ESC Acute CardioVascular Care 2021, an online...

Selenium Supplementation Protects Against Obesity And May Extend Lifespan

Adding the nutrient selenium to diets protects against obesity and provides metabolic benefits, according to a new animal study. The results could lead to...

Normal-Tension Glaucoma Linked to Cognitive Impairment, Dementia

A type of glaucoma called Normal-Tension Glaucoma is associated with an increased risk of cognitive impairment and possibly dementia, finds research published online in...

Scientists Detect 55 New “Mystery” Chemicals Never Previously Reported in Pregnant...

Scientists at UC San Francisco have detected 109 chemicals in a study of pregnant women, including 55 chemicals never before reported in people and...

Dry Eye Disease Negatively Affects Physical and Mental Health as Well...

Patients suffering from dry eye disease symptoms have a lower quality of life compared to those without symptoms, a new study reports. The findings...