Environmental Estrogens: The Invisible Threat That Surrounds Us
On a daily basis we consume and breathe environmental estrogens known to cause birth defects and cancer in animals. These substances are everywhere, in...
Broccoli Compound Shown to Suppress Tumor Growth
Your mother was right; broccoli is really good for you. Long associated with decreased risk of cancer, broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables contain a...
Natural “Fasting” Molecule Exerts Anti-Aging Effects to Protect Vascular System
A molecule produced by the body during fasting or calorie restriction has anti-aging effects on the vascular system, which could reduce the occurrence and...
Newly Identified Protein Needs Vitamin A to Kill Bacteria, Protect Skin
People with inadequate vitamin A in their diets are more susceptible to skin infections, yet exactly how vitamin A affects skin immunity has been...
Whole Grains Reduce Intestinal Serotonin Production Linked to Diabetes and Colorectal...
Adults consuming whole grain rye have lower plasma serotonin levels than people eating low-fiber wheat bread, according to a recent study. In the study,...
Common Food Additive Linked to Microbiota and Gut Inflammation
New research provides evidence that nanoparticles, which are present in many food items, may have a substantial and harmful influence on human health.
The study,...
Treating Insulin Resistance to Reduce Pain of Fibromyalgia
Researchers from The University of Texas at Galveston have been able to dramatically reduce the pain of fibromyalgia patients with a medication commonly used...
Erectile Dysfunction Drug Reverses Heart Failure in New Animal Study
Heart failure is a devastating condition that occurs when the heart becomes too weak to pump enough blood to meet the body's needs. In time...
Walnuts Lower Central Blood Pressure to Reduce Risk of Heart Disease
When combined with a diet low in saturated fats, eating walnuts may help lower blood pressure in people at risk for cardiovascular disease, according...
Breakthrough Blood Test Correctly Diagnoses Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
People suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome may soon have something they've been seeking for decades: scientific proof of their a debilitating ailment. Researchers at the...
New Approach “Locks-n-Blocks” Cancer Cells to Prevent Metastases
"They got all of it" are the reassuring words people hope to hear following cancer surgery, but a growing understanding of the science of...
Peppermint Oil Relaxes Spastic Esophagus to Relieve Chest Pain, Improve Swallowing
Imagine that while eating a delicious meal at your favorite restaurant, your joy is cut short because of difficulty swallowing your food, followed by...