Isoflavones Shown to Lower Death Risk in Certain Breast Cancer Patients
Eating foods that contain isoflavones can result in a 21% decline in all-cause mortality in women with hormone-receptor-negative breast cancer found a new study...
Live Viruses (Phages) Effective Against Drug Resistant Lung Infections
Phage therapy may be a safe and effective antibiotic alternative for the treatment of cystic fibrosis lung infections, scientists from the University of Liverpool’s Institute of Infection and...
Severe Gum Disease Linked to Type 2 Diabetes
People who have severe gum disease are likely to also suffer from type 2 diabetes, researchers reported in a study published online in the...
Vitamin C Effective in Targeting, Stopping Cancer Stem Cells
Vitamin C is up to ten times more effective at stopping cancer cell growth than pharmaceuticals, according to scientists in Salford, UK. The new...
Study Explains Link Between Blood Sugar and Alzheimer’s
Scientists have known there is a link between high blood sugar and Alzheimer's disease—now thanks to a new study published in the journal Scientific...
Long-Term Stress Increases Likelihood of Obesity
If you're having trouble losing weight, the problem might not be what you're eating but rather how stressed you're feeling. Researchers have found that...
Blueberry Concentrate Improves Brain Function in Older People
Drinking concentrated blueberry juice improves brain function in older people, according to new research from the University of Exeter.
In the study, healthy people aged 65-77...
Single Giant Neuron Wraps Around the Brain, Possible Site of Consciousness
Scientists have discovered a giant neuron that wraps around the entire outer layer of the brain like "a crown of thorns." This giant neuron—along...
Mediterranean Diet May Reduce Obesity-Related Pain
If you're overweight and in pain, it's not the amount of food you're eating that's responsible, but rather the quality, according to a new report investigating the...
Do Your Tweets Predict Your Dieting Success?
Your attitude on Twitter may predict whether your weight loss efforts will be successful, researchers from Georgia Institute of Technology recently reported. They found...
Cholesterol Fuels Growth Of Prostate Cancer Cells
Researchers have long known that high blood cholesterol and advanced prostate cancer are connected. But until now they couldn't be sure exactly how the...
Omega-3 Fatty Acids Lower Risk of Dying
The 80 percent of Americans estimated to have low levels of omega-3 fatty acids should pay close attention to a new study that shows...