Sleep Cycle Aids Emergency Room And Hospital Health Staff
I am writing to let you know how pleased I am with your formula, Sleep Cycle. I have been practicing as a Registered Nurse in a Critical Care settings for 15 years, mostly working the night shift in emergency departments all over the country.
“Cynical Pessimist” Relieved With SleepCycle
I've never, ever had trouble sleeping until recently. Looking back over my life, I see an unbroken chain of curling up, night after night in my own bed, in hotel beds, on friends couches, on trains and planes and buses all around the world and being asleep literally almost as soon as my head hit the pillow.
Restoring Post-Menopausal Sleep Patterns With SleepCycle
I am a 61-year-old female with what I assume is a typical post-menopausal pattern of waking up 3 to 4 times in the night to urinate.
SleepCycle Supports Deep, Restorative Slumber
I had to write to tell you about my experience with your wonderful formula, SleepCycle. For several years, I've slept poorly because I would wake up repeatedly through the night. Sometimes, it would take a long time for me to fall back asleep. It was becoming a problem. I was waking up tired and sleepy.
Customer With Trouble Sleeping Pleased With SleepCycle®
I've had trouble sleeping most of my life. I've tried many products. SleepCycle has worked better than I ever expected, and it gets better, it seems, with time. Now I'm not even aware of going to bed, going to sleep...I just wake up in the morning!...
Mother And Son Pleased With SleepCycle
We learned about SleepCycle in the Alamo Valley Press. The thing that caught our attention was that emergency room workers use it. I bought some for me and my son Malcolm. It seems like I go to sleep faster now. When I wake up I feel more relaxed. And also more wide awake.
From the Front Lines: Modern Techniques, Ancient Medicines for Sleep, Digestion
By Amy M. Petrarca, MS, RN, L.Ac
I know that acupuncture is quickly becoming mainstream, and that a growing number of people are willing and...
FDA Warns of Next-Day Impairment From Sleep Drug Lunesta
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued warning for the insomnia drug Lunesta (eszopiclone) based on evidence of next-day impairment of driving and other activities...