New Tests Needed To Predict Cardiovascular Problems In Older People More...
A long-standing system for assessing the risk of cardiovascular disease amongst older people should be replaced with something more accurate, according to a study published published on the British Medical Journal website. The Dutch study looked at several hundred people with no history of cardiovascular disease aged 85 over a five year period to see ...
Trans Fats Hinder Multiple Steps In Blood Flow Regulation Pathways
Partially hydrogenated vegetable oils in processed foods contain trans fatty acids that interfere with the regulation of blood flow. A new report reveals a new way in which these “trans fats” gum up the cellular machinery that keeps blood moving through arteries and veins. In the August 2009 issue of the international journal Atherosclerosis, University ...
That Late-night Snack: Worse Than You Think
Eat less, exercise more. Now there is new evidence to support adding another “must” to the weight-loss mantra: eat at the right time of day. A Northwestern University study has found that eating at irregular times — the equivalent of the middle of the night for humans, when the body wants to sleep — influences ...
Research Highlights Salvia Root’s Benefit To Bone Growth
Osteogenic effects of D+beta-3,4-dihydroxyphenyl lactic acid (salvianic acid A, SAA) on osteoblasts and bone marrow stromal cells of intact and prednisone-treated rats. Cui L, Liu YY, Wu T, Ai CM, Chen HQ. Department of Pharmacology, Guangdong Medical College, Zhanjiang, China. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2009 Mar;30(3):321-32. AIM: Previous studies have shown that D(+)beta-3,4-dihydroxyphenyl lactic acid (salvianic acid ...
Reduced Lung Capacity Linked To Cardiovascular Disease By Inflammation
People who have a reduced lung capacity may have a greater risk of heart attack and stroke because they show evidence of inflammation, reveals a study published online ahead of print in Thorax. This association is not related to smoking, respiratory diseases or obesity. The New Zealand researchers took measurements of lung capacity and inflammation ...
Scientists Uncover Immune System’s Role In Bone Loss
Got high cholesterol? You might want to consider a bone density test. A new UCLA study sheds light on the link between high cholesterol and osteoporosis and identifies a new way that the body’s immune cells play a role in bone loss. Published Aug. 20 in the journal Clinical Immunology, the research could lead to ...
From Fat To Chronic Inflammation
Researchers may have found a key ingredient in the recipe that leads from obesity to chronic low-grade inflammation, according to a report in the September issue of Cell Metabolism, a Cell Press publication.
Chronic inflammation within fat tissue is now recognized as a contributor to the many ill health consequences that come with obesity, from diabetes ...
ArthriPhase Helps Relieve Foot Pain Following Surgeries
I thought you might be interested to learn that since we last corresponded, I have used ArthriPhase with a 40-year old female suffering from right foot pain, that was especially painful when walking. She had a bunion surgically removed from her left foot in 2007, with screws that subsequently loosened. She had a second surgery ...
Surprising Rate Of Recurring Heart Attacks, Strokes Globally
US doesn’t fare as well as Japan and Australia
Despite many medicines and other treatments for patients with vascular disease, a large international study shows these patients have a surprisingly high rate of recurring events such as strokes, heart attacks and hospitalizations as well as mortality. Also unexpected: patients in North America (including the U.S.) experienced ...
Simple Test May Identify Stroke Survivors At Risk Of Another Cardiovascular...
Study highlights:
* Measuring blood flow in the ankle may identify stroke survivors at risk of subsequent events.
* This test, the ankle brachial index, compares blood flow in the ankle to blood flow in the arm to detect poor circulation caused by fatty plaque buildup in the lower ...