Serious Side Effects Of Formulas?


I’m writing to let you know that I discovered some serious “side effects” to your products – they work!! And man do they work!!

As an herbalist I believe there are natural treatments for most illnesses, and I have spent countless hours researching various products. You have no idea how nice it is to discover a product such as AllerPhase, since most over-the-counter products don’t do much of anything for me anymore. And just when I thought that AllerPhase worked great your ImmunoPhase absolutely astonished me!

I originally ordered ImmunoPhase as a cold and flu fighter. After the first day my cold symptoms were gone, and by the third day my coughing and chest congestion had cleared up, my runny nose was gone and my wheezing had stopped. And whereas I used to go through an inhaler every 20 days or so, the one I have now is well over a month old and still practically full. After taking ImmunoPhase I now realize that my immune system has been severely compromised, malfunctioning, shot, etc., for many years.

Now this is where it gets real interesting. After the fourth day I began to notice that I was feeling physically stronger. I was also sleeping right through the whole night instead of waking up five or six times like I normally do. I even noticed that my appetite has decreased. In short, I haven’t felt this good in the last 20 years, and I’m not even sure I felt this good 20 years ago!

Most people don’t like going to the doctor, but I can’t wait till I see him again, as I’m sure he will tell me that my health has improved greatly. Personally I think Dr. Yan should be awarded a Nobel Prize for this product! Please don’t change a thing in your formulas! And in all my years of dealing with various businesses I’ve never found a company like yours. In my books you’re #1. You and your partner can be very proud that you have an efficient and fair company, with a knowledgeable staff.

Bryan Gibson

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