ImmunoPhase Helps Customer Allergic To Bee Sting


A few days ago I went outside to check on the amount of propane in my tank and when I lifted the lid I was attacked by about 12 wasps who were under the lid. I’m very allergic to bee stings so I was concerned about being stung by all those wasps.

I hurried into the house and picked up my bottle of ImmunoPhase which is always on the kitchen counter. I took two capsules and waited anxiously. My hands and arms were throbbing like mad. Within 20 minutes I realized the pain was less and within another half hour all the pain was gone. My arms were still red where I had been bitten and I could feel a solid lump under the skin along the bites. Heat was radiating from my hands and arms so every 8 hours I took two more ImmunoPhase.

The next morning I still had red marks on my arms but the lumps were diminishing under the skin. Later on the same day the heat began to diminish and by the next day my arms were no longer hot. And all the lumps had disappeared.

I’m always amazed how quickly ImmunoPhase works. This is one medication I never want to be without. Than you very much, Tango Advanced Nutrition.

Miriam F.

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