Diabetic Recovers Use of Fingers After 7 Year Struggle With Infection


As a 74-year-old diabetic who has already lost one leg to amputation, I know how important it is for me to avoid injury and infection. I am writing to tell you how Vital Cell helped me recover from a serious injury that occurred in 2002.

The injury happened just after I returned from teaching in China, where I had begun to practice classical Chinese brush painting. I was just skilled enough to have my best friend request that I paint bamboo on a room-divider screen she had used for thirty years.  I jumped at the opportunity, even though neither of us knew what the screen was made of (normally such screens are made of rice paper).

When the painting was complete, as I bent over to pick it up, my back “gave out,” causing me to slip and inadvertently jam both hands, fingers first, into the screen. To my horror, the screen shredded, revealing that it was actually made of fiberglass.

There was immediate infection in the forefinger and middle finger of each hand from the bacteria-ridden fiberglass. As the fiberglass worked its way down each of my affected fingers it eventually entered the center of my palms, where it shredded its way around and about and after seven years, finally worked its way back out of my fingers, infecting the tip phalanges of all four fingers, which can no longer serve as fingers any more.  My acupuncturist treated the infections with herbs, but my fingers never healed and were constantly infected.

Then my homeopath discovered your company and your formula, Vital Cell.  I have been taking Vital Cell since the beginning of this year and am pleased to report that as of this time, Vital Cell has brought three of the damaged fingers to a state of being completely healed. The fourth finger, which was the most damaged digit, is now very near complete recovery.

Thank you for Vital Cell.  It is a vital part of my regimen now.  (No pun intended.)

Sincerely yours,

Joan Thomasson

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