Wednesday, March 12, 2025


Isoleucine is a essential branched chain amino acid found abundently in most foods. Isoleucine is found in especially high amounts in meats, fish, cheese,...


Since 1983, researchers have warned us to avoid supplements that contain iron. This recommendation is based upon hundreds of studies showing that iron may...


Elemental Iodine is found in varying amounts in the earths crust and soils, and, in larger amounts, in the oceans. Iodine, as iodide or...


Inositol is a water soluble nutrient often associated with B vitamins. While its role in human nutrition is a source of ongoing debate, it...


The granddaddy of the so-called smart drugs, hydergine has a long history as a mental de-ager. An extract of ergot, a fungus that grows...

Human Growth Hormone

Of all the substances with potential anti-aging properties, none has aroused such widespread excitement or generated such widespread controversy as Human Growth Hormone. Secreted...


Horsetail (Equisetum Arvense) is a rush-like perennial related to ferns. The hollow, jointed stems of this flowerless plant contain large amounts of silica and...


The hop plant, Humulus lupuius, is a a perennial climbing vine and hedgerow that twines around trees. Belonging to the family Cannabidaceae, hops are...


Histidine is intricately involved in a large number of critical metabolic processes, ranging from the production of red and white blood cells to regulating...


Hawthorne berries are gathered from the small tree Crataegus laevigata of the family Rosaceae. Also known as Mayblossom and Whitehorn, Hawthorne was known to...


Guarana (Paullinia Cupana) is a climbing shrub that grows wild in the Amazon regions of Brazil and Uruguay. Most modern commercial Guarana is grown...

Green Tea

Green tea extract comes from the natural dried leaves of the tea plant (Camellia sinensis). Black tea is derived from oxidized green tea leaves....