Friday, July 26, 2024

Blood Pressure Meds Linked to Increased Risk of Serious Falls in...

Medications used by many older people to control their blood pressure also increase the risk of serious fall injuries by 30% to 40% –...

Doctors Beginning to Say “No” to Drug Company Reps (Op Ed)

"Here’s what I remember. It was 14 years ago, and I was a junior doctor working in psychiatry. Some colleagues planned a dinner as...

Brain Tumor Cells Destroyed by Mitochondrial ‘Smart Bomb’

An experimental drug that attacks brain tumor tissue by crippling mitochondria, the cells' energy source, has passed early tests in animal models and human...

Relaxed Guidelines Relieve Millions of Need for Blood Pressure Medications

New guidelines that ease the recommended blood pressure could result in 5.8 million U.S. adults no longer needing hypertension medication, according to an analysis...

Study Links Acetaminophen Use in Pregnancy to Developmental Problems in Children

Paracetamol (known as acetaminophen in the USA) is the most commonly used medicine in pregnancy, yet there are very few studies that have investigated...

Weight Loss Supplements Don’t Work, Claim Reviews

Two papers presented at an international obesity conference yesterday have found that a range of the most popular weight loss supplements available on the market are no more effective than a placebo. Neither of the studies, presented at the International Congress on Obesity in Stockholm, Sweden, have yet to be published. According to the author of one of the papers, the science backing a variety of weight loss supplements is lacking.

Breakthrough in ‘Programmable’ Antibiotics to Target, Attack Drug-Resistant Microbes

The multitude of microbes scientists have found populating the human body have good, bad and mostly mysterious implications for our health. But when something...

New Hep C Treatment Costs $1,125 Per Pill

FDA regulators have just approved a new daily pill for hepatitis C that carries a steep price tag. The combination pill, Harvoni, made by...

FDA’s Huge Conflicts Of Interest With Big Pharma

Tragically, the drug they endorsed is killing the women who take it. Why is FDA doing this? The birth control pills Yaz and Yasmin, which were endorsed by an FDA advisory committee last December, contain a drug called drospirenone. Women who take it are nearly seven times more likely to develop thromboembolism (obstruction of a blood vessel by a blood clot, which can cause deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, stroke, heart attack, and death) compared to women who do not take any contraceptive pill, and twice the risk of women who take a contraceptive pill containing levonorgestrel.

Paper Calls for Preventing Diseases of Aging vs Fighting Chronic Illness

Medicine focuses almost entirely on fighting chronic diseases in a piecemeal fashion as symptoms develop. Instead, researchers writing in the journal Nature say more effort should...

Prescription Painkiller Deaths Up 400 Percent Over Last 10 Years

Poisoning is considered the leading cause of injury death in the United States; both illicit and pharmaceutical drugs account for 90 percent of poisoning...

How Oral Antibiotics Contribute to Pathogenic Gut Infections

In a new study published in the online Sept. 1 issue of Nature, researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine  pinpoint ways to counter the...