Saturday, July 27, 2024

Eighty Percent of Bowel Cancers Halted with Existing Medicines

An international team of scientists has shown that more than 80 per cent of bowel cancers could be treated with existing drugs. The study...

Nearly 7 in 10 Americans Are On Prescription Drugs

Nearly 70 percent of Americans are on at least one prescription drug, and more than half take two, Mayo Clinic researchers say. Antibiotics, antidepressants...

Pharmaceuticals, Personal Care Products Detected in Crops Grown in Recycled Water

Irrigating crops with recycled water can result in vegetables laced with small amounts of drugs and personal care chemicals, but researchers disagree on whether...

Shame On AMA’s Archives Of Internal Medicine

Did you hear the breaking news last night—that multivitamins may shorten your life? Here’s how junk science from the AMA set off the media frenzy. Bloomberg phrased it this way: “Multivitamins and some dietary supplements, used regularly by an estimated 234 million US adults, may do more harm than good..."

Depressive Symptoms And Suicidal Thoughts Found In Former Finasteride Users

New research, to be published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, finds that men who developed persistent sexual side effects while on finasteride (Propecia), a drug commonly used for male pattern hair loss, have a high prevalence of depressive symptoms and suicidal thoughts.

Antibiotics Have Long-Term Impacts On Gut Flora

Short courses of antibiotics can leave normal gut bacteria harbouring antibiotic resistance genes for up to two years after treatment, say scientists writing in the latest issue of Microbiology, published Nov. 3.

Researchers Identify Gene Implicated in Statin Muscle Pains, Discomfort

Researchers have used a novel approach to identify a genetic variant that may contribute to the muscle pain and weakness experienced by some statin...

Common Medications Shown to Impair Memory, Cognitive Performance in Elderly

Are you elderly and having memory or concentration problems? They might be caused by common medications used to treat insomnia, anxiety, itching or allergies,...

Study Reveals Gut Reaction to Arthritis Drugs; Stomach Acid-Suppressing Drugs Appear...

Patients often take drugs to lower stomach acid and reduce the chances they will develop ulcers from taking their anti-inflammatory drugs for conditions such...

Osteoporosis Drugs May Boost Cancer Risk

People who take bisphosphonates, or bone-strengthening drugs for osteoporosis, may have a slightly higher risk of developing esophageal cancer, especially if they take them for several years, a study out this week in the British Journal of Medicine finds.

Helping Doctors Predict Which Patients Benefit Most From Statins

Genomic data could predict whether statins will benefit a patient or not, according to an article in the open access journal Genome Biology. The...

Risks Associated With Common Acid-Suppressing Medications Documented In Series of Studies

Proton pump inhibitors, medications that suppress acid in the stomach, appear to be associated with fractures in postmenopausal women and bacterial infections in many patients, and higher doses do not appear any more beneficial for treating bleeding ulcers...