Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Seven Hours of Sleep is Optimal in Middle and Old Age,...

Seven hours is the ideal amount of sleep for people in their middle age and upwards, with too little or too much sleep associated...

School Closures Led to More Sleep and Improved Quality of Life...

The school closures in spring 2020 had a negative effect on the health and well-being of many young people. But homeschooling also had a...

Restoring Deep Sleep Wards Off Alzheimer’s Disease, Reduces Amyloid-Beta Plaque

People with Alzheimer’s disease have trouble sleeping and awaken frequently, but exactly why this happens is unclear. Multiple studies in humans and mice indicate...

Study Links Loss of Dream-Stage REM Sleep to Higher Risk of...

Spending less time in REM sleep is linked to a greater overall risk of death from any cause, as well as from cardiovascular disease...

Gut Damage Linked to Premature Death From Sleep-Loss in New Animal...

Scientists have long studied sleep, a phenomenon that appears to be fundamental for life, yet one that in many ways remains mysterious. Almost every...

Deep Sleep Triggers Waves of Fluid to Flush Toxins From Brain...

Everyone knows that a good night’s sleep is vital to physical and psychological health, but understanding exactly what is happening in our brains as...

Deep Sleep May Act as Fountain of Youth in Old Age

As we grow older our nights are frequently plagued by bouts of wakefulness, bathroom trips and other nuisances as we lose our ability to...

Deep Sleep Helps Brain Remove Waste and Toxic Proteins Linked to...

New research shows how the depth of sleep can impact our brain's ability to efficiently wash away waste and toxic proteins. Because sleep often...

Sleep Deprivation Accelerates Alzheimer’s Brain Damage

Poor sleep has long been linked with Alzheimer's disease, but researchers have understood little about how sleep disruptions drive the disease. Now, studying mice and...

Poor Sleep Linked to Atherosclerosis Plaque Buildup, Increased Cardiovascular Risk

People who sleep less than six hours a night may be at increased risk of cardiovascular disease compared with those who sleep between seven...

New Study Reveals How Sleep Loss Disrupts Brain-Cell Communication

Ever sleep poorly and then walk out of the house without your keys? Or space out on the highway and nearly hit a stalled...

Health Risks of Prescription Sleep Medications in Older Adults

Sleep doesn't come easily for nearly half of older Americans, with more than a third taking some sort of medication to help them doze...